4 thoughts on “Agree

  1. Meh.
    Not my circus, not my clowns.
    All of it is none of our business.
    As a disclaimer, I did attend University in St. Petersburg back in ’92-’93.


  2. The problem with this is that Ukraine, IIRC, gave up its nuclear program in exchange for a promise that either NATO or the US would protect the country.

    Sure, we shouldn’t get involved, but we also shouldn’t have made a promise that we weren’t going to keep. Any country that trusts the U.S. nowadays is cutting its own throat, much as I hate to admit that.

  3. no. ukraine is definitely cabal-controlled to go after russia. they will then deserve what russia will give them. quit carrying water for cabal – they have hijacked our flag, government, nation, media…

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