A Cop Is A Cop….

A Cop Is A Cop….

….a liberal activist pretending to be a cop is a tragedy. This guy has an agenda, and he’s Pelosi’s star witness.

Kiss my ass fraud!

3 thoughts on “A Cop Is A Cop….

  1. Were these clowns not under oath?

    I know some people say the left have no standards, but I say that they do, they have two in fact.

    Low and double.

  2. I’m thinking several of the supposed Capitol Police officers testifying are possibly frauds.
    Dunn was wearing a uniform with different patches than the other three. Two of the white officers were wearing three or four rows of decorations, each row having multiple ribbons . The guy with the big beard (in uniform, really?) looks like a North Korean General!
    This is the Capitol Police, not the USAF. They get awards for helping a lost tourist? Maybe finding an unlocked door that should be secured and rectifying the situation? Give me a break!

  3. This is nothing but theatre……and bad theatre at that.
    It was never intended to be anything else. When the GOP refused to be part of the charades because Pelousy “disqualified” two of the potential members it became obvious that that making the “committee” a rubber stamp for the lefts agenda. And that agenda ism o make this an INQUISITION where everyone who was in DC has already been foun guilty an this is nothing but a “show trial”. Just more proof that normal people are to be destroyed by the left. There can be no peace with them, no coexistence. It’s WAY past time to start hanging commie demonrats….in VAST numbers.

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