5 thoughts on “Fight Back

  1. Fuckin A…..
    There is no pain for the usurpers. No penalty for their crimes.
    It is high past time to inflict the reward they all so justly deserve. All of them…. the Covidiots, maskholes, Jan 6th bullshit artists and election workers.
    … let God sort them out!

  2. It was never about a virus. It was about Control.

    Remember, none of the Dems were for any restrictions until Impeachment Attempt #4 (one died in committee, one died in the House, the last two died in the Senate) failed miserably, then the Dems jumped on the MASK EVERYTHING and END OF LIVING FOR EVERYONE bandwagon.

  3. It was/is about the virus. The problem, as I see it, is that its the flu, just a new strain of flu. Now, the flu isn’t our friend, it isn’t nice, and it does kill people. For the previous years’ flu strains, the way the CDC decides which vaccine to distribute is based on many, many factors, and most of the time (fortunately) they get it right and the flu vaccine prevents the spread of the flu. The problem with c-19 is that this is maiden year and there was no previous history for the CDC (or any other country’s medical service to base any decsions on, nor was there an vaccine available to be manufactured and distributed. as Dr F stated to the media outlets today, its likely that the vaccines that have been taken (pfizer,j&j, etc) are all probably only good for about a year (amazingly enough, just like the rest of the flu vaccines.) The global pandemic was a damn hoax. I don’t know by whom, and I don’t know why, but this has been the globally stupidest two years that I can remember in the last 50 years.
    If it turns out I’m wrong, fuck it, just let me fucking die.

    1. My biggest question is/was if we have all these other meds already on the shelf that work, why reinvent the wheel? Is it because Trump took them and was all better pretty quickly?

  4. “and guess what? You’re not going to be dying of COVID either.” Guaranteed that one of those shit stains will say he threatened them.

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