Common Sense vs. Gun Control

Common Sense vs. Gun Control

This post will be short. My heart aches for the lives lost, I have three kids and there are no words to try to comprehend what the families of Newtown have gone through. It is something that, number one, I hope to never find out, and number two, I won’t try to act like I know how these people feel.


That being said, I don’t own guns for the soul purpose of hunting, I own guns for personal protection, and that is protection from criminals or criminal governments. As soon as the left finally gets the fact that we are preparing our security from them, the further along their understanding will be. That is all.

3 thoughts on “Common Sense vs. Gun Control

  1. I keep hearing all these stories from the paranoid right about how some of them are acquiring weapons to protect themselves from – – what I assume is some kind of government assault on their freedoms that is supposed to happen at some time in the future.

    Has anyone over there on the far right ever considered how quickly an insurrection could be crushed in this country and the extent of the firepower that might come into play?

    Are there really folks out there who actually believe that a few assault rifles are some kind of match for the things that the military has at it’s disposal?

  2. John you miss the point completey. The guns are not against the military, they are the first defense in case of economic collapse. And if the lefties continue down the same path, you won’t have to wait long. Paranoia? Absolutely!

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