4 thoughts on “This Will Not End Well

  1. You are seeing what Rats do when when they cheat. They will do anything. They have no conscience or ethics. Just the raw desire to circumvent an election to use it for power. They want to control and manipulate your life. I am saddened to see our country devolve into this situation. We are now a third world county that rivals dictator ships. This saddens me greatly.

    1. second that.

      in WI and MI trumps had leads of over 100,00 in both last night and in the morning biden was caught up ? this was done in a national election with all eyes on them. anyone thinking these people in control wont steamroll you into a puddle on the sidewalk if they get a benefit from it are kidding yourselves.

      rolling depressions, rolling mobs and shorter lifespans are the usa’s future; trump only set it back a few years. usa as founded is breathing its lasts breathes at this point.

  2. A buddy in a solid RED district is posting about the election officials who recommended using a sharpie to fill out the ballots. Massive errors on almost all ballots and they are being thrown out.

  3. The election has been stolen.
    There is plenty of information out there explaining how the marxists were finally able to pull this off:


    This link explains in more detail how this Cyber Weapon is used. This interview was the day before the election.
    This names names, Brennan, Comey, Mueller….funded by Soros…war room that Obama organized has making this happen.
    Many names involved that you will recognize.
    The algorithms will be meant to look like foreign interference if found.
    This is really happening and we will no longer have the USA as we know it.

    This is why they could run the aging Biden and the marxist Kamala.
    They are only the pawns, the game is fixed.

    First report on Monday:

    And yesterday:

    They have been fine tuning these methods since 2012.

    I have verified all this with someone I know at the top of the government food chain. I know that doesn’t mean much to anyone, but this will all come out and the truth will be seen.

    Be safe everyone, we’ve entered the next phase.

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