Bob Costas

Bob Costas

Mr. Costas is getting remarkably close to the line that Keith Olberman crossed. But there is a deeper problem here. He actually believes what he said.

So Bob, let’s test the theory. How may Democrats would dump their taxpayer-funded personal security if guns were completely outlawed? How about Mr. Obama? How about Mrs. Pelosi?

That is his argument, if guns were  illegal, this would not have happened. Bullshit and they know it.
They want to disarm by misinformation, and Costas is a willing puppet. Dumbass.

4 thoughts on “Bob Costas

  1. SOOO, when are all the brave “he-men” gonna make a stand out there? Anyone care to offer up a boycott of the Nutbag Fuckup League? Come-on all you couch potato patriots….where do you stand……futball or 2A? Why so quiet out there? Where’s the all knowing maha Rushy, NFLs gameboy calling for action? BWHAHAHAHA. Pussies!

  2. Don I am not sure which side of the issue you fall on, but it really has nothing to do with the NFL. As a matter of fact they have one of the most aggresive systems to help these athletes with emotional problems. It is up to the individual, and it is the individual who in the end, is responsible for themselves. This is the problem with this latest generation, they place blame on others when they should be looking in the mirror.

    1. I consider myself on the side of the Constitution. The power of the zombie patriots patronizing the NFL alone would be enough to send the dweeb Costas packing if they would act as a unit and let the NFL how unhappy they are with such crap. Cancel your TeeVee subscription to the NFL for a week???, boycott a week’s worth of going to games???….GASP…the horror! The thought wouldn’t cross their minds. Throw spitballs from the sidelines, peck at keyboards, yep…that’ll show the NFL we mean business. The NFL don’t give a shit about the zombie patriots or your 2A rights if that’s all the fight you all have in you. Pussies!!!!

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