This Will Not End Well

This Will Not End Well



6 thoughts on “This Will Not End Well

  1. I fear it is eventually going to erupt in open warfare. After the kid in Kenosha showed how it gets done, there is probably not going to be a bag limit on these agitators. Very sad, but I think many of them are about to FAAFO.

  2. I hope the officer is ok, that looked like it hurt, if they bring it to the republicans do you think they might finally notice what is going on?
    I realise that nadless has a vested interest in keeping the honey wagon stirred, and will deny anything is happening, but there is nothing but hypocrickets from the elected on both sides regarding either stopping the pantifa or shielding the locals from overprocesscution by liberal DA’s
    Eventually they will FAAFO on a grand scale and come to the blinding flash of the obvious that they do not have a respawn function on their person.

  3. In that 2nd video, just looking at the picture, why is the only black man a cop if these are BLM protestors trying to get to Rep. Paul???

    I think all the blacks got tired of the white anarchists taking over their riots, and they have all gone home…

  4. imo, going to be a period coming even if trump wins that thugs terrorize until people have had enough and neighborhoods come out in force anytime one of their neighbors is threatened even if it means neighbors have to render the incoming thugs disabled or dead.(i am definitely a neighbor that can do that and enjoy a nice dinner after).
    if the people still knuckle under, the usa is gone forever and you should leave if you have the ability to do it.
    i’m no racist, but i sure wish lincoln would have just shipped them all back to africa. imo, allowing your country to have any minority to become more than 5% of the natives is asking for trouble.

  5. While I loathe social media and what its done to our world, you HAVE TO click on the links and read all the replies.
    Its a fascinating window into the minds of some of these people. You will not believe the things you read….

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