4 thoughts on “Cooking The Books

  1. Cool and all, but the hospitals are still filling up. I’m telling you, just go to the hospital and take a look yourself, DO NOT rely on what you’re being told, see on the news or hear on the interwebs.

    I had to got to the hospital for a minor emergency surgery last week and totally f’d up and went in the side door to the covid entrance thinking it was where I was supposed to go, it was not a good scene.

    Pretty sure they weren’t putting on an act for anyone. My opinion, if you get covid now and it’s bad enough to have to go to the hospital you’re fucked.

  2. Yeah John H. Sure just browse through ICU ‘s… question Doctors & nurses…check patients charts and lab results.”go see for yourself”ARE YOU INSANE?. As a former ICU RN I’m deeply skeptical of our medical/insurance system, especially when there is significant financial incentive to arrive at a covid diagnosis vs an everyday diagnosis like COPD,or influenza. DYING WITH COVID ain’t the same as DYING FROM COVID.Follow the money kids.

  3. Let’s see now: CDC has admitted to inflating fatalities and under-reporting infections by a factor of 10. Penn State released a report that concludes the infection rate may have been under-reported by as much as a factor of 80. Using the CDC’s numbers without question give us this: 130,000 Covid deaths divided by 30,000,000 infections leaves us with .0043 fatality rate. We are being played, folks.

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