9 thoughts on “Biden Remembers One Of His Lines….Eventually

  1. Joe is failing faster than the Dems anticipated.

    As entertaining as I believe a debate between Uncle Joe and PDJT would be, it is wrong to let him continue struggling like this. Jill should be ashamed of herself for letting this elder abuse continue. The only reason I can think she lets this go on is she wants to be selected as a replacement candidate when he finally drops or she is so desperate to acquire the title of “First Lady” however short it may be.

  2. I still say no way he gets the nod. The dems would have been better off taking their lumps with Sanders instead of trying to sneak this package of loose screws past us.

  3. He’s playing into the Dem leadership’s hands perfectly. Will be forced to step down during the convention, and a new, annointed saviorette will step forward for the good of the party and the country.

    Some ugly former First Lady is my bet, and not the one that lost the last time.

  4. Maybe they will pull a Lautenberg. If you remember NJ allowed Lautenberg to be placed on the ballot after the deadline because the Rat on the ballot was doing poorly.

  5. If Ol’ Joe get elected. His V.P would proceed him as POTUS. Now you know why they are pressing him to name a black female as his running mate.

  6. He will not make it our of the fake Dem Ballot Party as they will pick someone else that they control for Soros. If it is Hillary they have lost. I doubt MIchelle could win either. Substituting at the last minute will kill it for them no matter as it shows that they did not value peoples votes, just like last time.

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