2 thoughts on ““You May Know That Your Society Is Doomed”

  1. When you see that the education your children are receiving is destroying our history, culture and traditions.

    When you see people(?) who have come here illegally given preferential treatment over actual citizens because they are more likely to vote for the thieves.

    When you see your race, which shouldn’t matter a whit, no matter your flavor, being used as a crudgel to beat you into submission.

    When you see the two bedrocks of our country, free speech and the right to keep & bear arms, being systematically eliminated.

    When you see your community flooded with outsiders by religious “charities” known to cause disruption without you and yours have a fucking thing to say about it.

    When you’re forced to pay for “sustainable” energy with sky high energy costs, used to paper the landscape with worthless turbines and solar panels.

    When scum like Hillary commit crimes our forefathers would have hung her for including the abandonment of our embassy to terrorists, are allowed not only succor but the freedom to weigh in on our political discourse.

    sick enough yet? cause I can go on

  2. Ever see sheep flapping their gums while being paraded into the abattoirs? No? Well we’re witnessing it now.

    Kudos to Ayn Rand & George Orwell for their efforts to warn us. Sadly, they’re sage writings fell upon deaf ears.

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