Time To Set An Example

Time To Set An Example

This video is to disturbing to post, you can find it online.

All I have to say is this……execute the son of a bitch….now.

No prison, no courts, no lawyers claiming insanity, up against a wall and a bullet, televised live to discourage anybody else who thinks they can beat a helpless human being. Fucking animal.


20 thoughts on “Time To Set An Example

  1. … beater not wearing a MAGA hat so most likely the vid has been taken down; if you want to see the vid on YouTube then just get Jussie Smollett to place a MAGA hat on the beater.

  2. Welcome to the “diverse,” multiracial / multicultural society.
    Yet people still ask me why I no longer object to being called a racist. It is to laugh…hollowly, and with many a tear.

    1. I was born and grew up not a racist. One particular minority has changed my views on life. Sad, very sad.

      Was in a diversity class and was asked what was the first thing I saw when looking at all the people in the class, and I said, “Fellow Employees.” That didn’t go over well as I was supposed to first list ‘racial’ makeup, then sexual expression, then whether blue collar, white collar or management. I got written up, had to get counseling and almost lost my job because I truly don’t, for the most part, see color except as a function of skin tone. Or I didn’t, until after many episodes much like I described including being denied service because of my skin color.

    1. Looks like you should not have posted this particular truth. The link says you have been suspended from twitter.

  3. The term “racist” was coined by Leon Trotsky.
    Let that sink in.
    It has no real meaning in English vernacular.

  4. He’s black.
    They’re white.
    Enough said…
    He’s a hero.
    And I’d be glad to bring the rope.
    Absolutely disgusting.
    Race is not even an after-thought.
    Black, blue, red, orange, yellow purple or white, this is disgusting and he should be strung up.
    What happened to “Respect your elders”?
    It’s just BS, and he’ll be out before this gets posted.
    FYI I live is a small town in SE Ohio, Chesterhill, to be exact.
    Behind the firehouse.
    Bring it.

  5. Oh, this will go about as well as those 4 black ‘Youths’ who beat and sodomized a white retarded kid, and filmed them shouting racist slogans and other crap. Yeah… not treated as hate crime, pled down to almost nothing.

    Because it’s not a hate crime to hate white people. Apparently.

  6. Unfortunately our legal system is not prepared for this kind of crime, in our system this is on the level of stealing a beer. I agree with you, he should be shot, or hanged by his finger nails and it should definitely by shown on tv or the internet to discourage more of the same.

  7. reverse the races and this is all you would see on the “news”. but this is just reggin doin what sreggin do.

  8. How many of your daughters will be raped, beaten and murdered before white humans react to these “chimps”?

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