Jindal, Rubio, Boehner, Christie…..Turncoats

Jindal, Rubio, Boehner, Christie…..Turncoats

It’s like everyone jumped ship. Romney loses and they lose their collective minds. How can you hold such convictions during the summer and fall, then change them in a matter of days?

Piyush “Bobby” Jindal can kiss my ass, wouldn’t vote for a rag head no matter how far removed he is from his third world country.

Rubio, he can kiss my as also. How do you back Romney, then shove the knife in his back the minute you think it will be politically advantageous to do so.

And Boehner, what the fuck are you thinking? Making any concessions will only let the democrats know you can be pushed around.

What we have here kids is a serious lack of backbone. These clowns are politicians plain and simple, they have no convictions that they stand on. I respect Ron Paul more than these guys. At least he never swayed from his beliefs. He stayed his course no matter the political fallout. And trust me, I am no Ron Paul fan, but I do respect him.

A third party would definitely seal the fate of any GOP candidate, there are just not enough votes to go around. In a perfect world a Tea Party candidate with staunch convictions to conservatism would be great, but the GOP and Tea Party vote would be split which would leave no answer to the democrats 2016 candidate, which is so very depressing.

O’Reilly seems to think that if Obama fails miserably the votes for the GOP would fall into place, just as it did in 2010. I don’t think so, this is not a political issue, this is cultural, and as long as a certain percentage of the population continues to be handed gifts, free stuff, whatever you want to call it, the populace receiving the benefits will continue to vote to keep them in place. No matter how cute, rugged, patriotic, smart, brown, black, white, yellow, experienced or whatever, conservatives can’t win this fight. Unless they too offer free stuff, which brings us back to the first few paragraphs, Jindal and Rubio fired the first spit balls across the democrats bow for 2016. Think it scared the liberals? I don’t think so.

Oh, and by the way, Chris Christie shame on you. I know why you did it, I just don’t how you could do it…… Traitor.

7 thoughts on “Jindal, Rubio, Boehner, Christie…..Turncoats

  1. Yea!, EXACTLY……………….WTF? These guys con us into believing they’re all about Tea Party principles only to uncloak post election and show true colors. Curse the lot of em! The field is being laid bare relative to options for 16……if we ever make it that far. At this point, I’d take a military coup!

  2. To tell you the truth, that is the only way we will get our country back is through a Military coup.
    I am sooo disgusted with the Tea Party that I could just spit!
    There were about 8 of us on “all” of the Tea Party sites. We warned them about Romney and we were banned from two sites for trying to explain exactly what was going to happen..AND IT DID.

    If you will think back…the ONLY TWO people who spoke out AGAINST the Muslim infiltration into our federal government was Michelle Bachman and Newt Gingrich…so who do they kick to the curb? Michelle Bachman to make room for Romney. Who by the way, first off the bat states he is going to fund a Charter School for Islamists with Tax $$.

    Do you remember how Romney got the “privilege” to run for President and beat out everyone else? People were coerced and threatened with bodily harm if they didn’t vote for him. Ron Paul filed a law suit: RNC/GOP to release people to vote their conscience (now, I am NOT really a Ron Paul person, but that was a great thing he did.)
    The votes WERE released. Right before Florida, Newt Gingrich, Michellle Bachman decided they were going to go to Florida to “gain” the votes that were now free and run as President/VP.
    Now, also remember this…at that same time, suddenly they were fearful of the “possible” storm coming in and decided to have their votes “called in.” Yes! The nomination of the POTUS would no longer be voted on in person…but called in.
    Well, it seems suddenly, they weren’t afraid of the storm anymore… now a new fear emerges…the OWS may show up!!!
    Bottom line?
    Romney was pushed into to MAKE A NEW LAW…from that point on the RNC will decide who can run for President and who CANNOT. In other words, IF YOU decide you want to run and have the $$, unless THEY DECIDE you can — guess what! YOU CANNOT RUN!
    Think about it…This is the first step that IF each country does this… ONLY THE POLITICIANS will decide who can and who cannot run.
    THIS IS THE NEW FORMAT for leadership of the NWO.

    Now? Romney has lost to Obama (????) BUT! the New Rule of running is remains in place!
    Romney wins the office of President and is defrauded out of it.
    Where is Romney? Why didn’t he demand a recount or investigation?

    WE have been played!

  3. Once the Tea Party(s) began taking $$ to keep them going, they became corrupted. There was righting within the ranks because the “leader” was paid. This is NO LONGER the Tea Party that Sarah Palin and Ron Paul supported or any of us for that matter!
    They became the enforcers for the Republican Party.

    1. Though there are those of original Tea Party intent still out there, yes, by 2011 the Tea Party was bought and paid for by those Tea Party members that drank the Rupublican KoolAid. The last organized TP meeting I attended the local Republican coordinator showed up and pitched the motion that “we’re all one now, you gotta throw your lot in with us” and to my amazement alot of folks lapped that up. I knew there and then it was over/co-opted….too stupid to have a coherent thought on their own.

  4. Danne, that is deeply sad. They were such a spark of life they brought to this country. I have or shall I sad “had” 10 Tea Party Leaders on my email list and now I have only two.
    This began happening when I tried to warn them about Romney. They didn’t do it then though After the election and Romney did nothing… he didn’t demand an investigation; he didn’t even ask for a re-count in a low-key manner…he simply gave in and disappeared.

    They had the power to make a difference in the beginning when Romney was being shoved down our throats; and they didn’t take it. I don’t know if you knew about it, but the “first” poll that came out was Soros designed.

    It looked like all the other polls…you know…all of the photo(s) of all the candidates were shown. Then it would be up to you to “drag the photo of YOUR favorite pick for President into the right slot; and continue choosing YOUR candidate for Vice President.

    EXCEPT! This poll…Romney’s photo was already “fixed” into the slot leaving us no choices. We were allowed, however, to choose our favorite for the VP slot. The poll was finally declared “fraud.” They took it down after many of us complained to them to STOP CHOOSING FOR US!!!

  5. May of us were also kicked off of Tea Party sites for doing our best to educate them about Romney and his past. We, of course, uploaded video(s) in his own words as well as many articles.

    We were banned from saying anything about Romney accusing us of being Obama people.

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