“Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste” The Liberal Motto

“Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste” The Liberal Motto

I was listening to a recording of a female CDC doctor during a press phone conference, a couple of blogs highlighted one of the doctors telling the reporter that the Corona bug will spread to the U.S and will cause “severe disruptions” in American life.

This kinda freaked me out, you assume the CDC wouldn’t spread unwarranted worry or panic but that’s exactly what she did, you would assume the doctors would be the calm voice in the room, the experts. So I took this expert from the CDC at her word, it started to make me think about stocking up on (more) essentials and how a pandemic was going to effect my business decisions going forward.   

So yeah, the CDC worried the hell out of me……then we find out the doctor lady was Rod Rosensteins sister…..Dr. Nancy Messonnier. Maybe she is the top person to speak on the issue, but doesn’t it seem kinda shady considering every news media outlet ran HER statement on their broadcast last night.

Gee, why would she want to panic the country?

7 thoughts on ““Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste” The Liberal Motto

  1. Trump has had NOTHING to do with the virus. But you can bet everything you own that the commie Demonrats and their media whore accomplices will be screaming at the top of their lungs non stop how this is ALL TRUMPS FAULT. They KNOW they can’t beat him in November using the truth so their only hope is to LIE NONSTOP.

  2. This is a mean thought but I would not put it past the Rats to bring infected people into this country and have them spread the virus and even cheer people’s death if it helps them win in November.

  3. https://www.cnsnews.com/article/international/michael-w-chapman/us-flu-season-2017-18-45-million-flu-cases-61000-deaths, which says, in a nutshell, that In the 2016-17 season, there were 29 million flu cases in the United States; 497,000 people were hospitalized and 38,000 people died from the flu. (For comparison, 36,560 people died in car accidents in 2018 in the United States.)

    Other years are similar.

    Someone please send me a memo when the Corona virus deaths make those numbers bulge a lot.

    I’d like to see similar analysis about Chinese flu seasons but I won’t because Chinese officials lie all the time about everything and the Media too.

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