“Trifecta of Suck”

“Trifecta of Suck”

“Just like an actual impeachment trial requires actual crimes, actual evidence, and actual witnesses, none of which the Democrats actually have. With this trifecta of suck the only thing they’ve got going for them, their strategy appears to be simply demanding that the impeachment be settled by a summary judgement and a complete restoration of theĀ status quo ante, i.e. Trump gone, and a return to the unquestioned comfortable corruption, incompetence without consequence, and inexorable march toward some sort of shabby socialism and a diminished America where prices are high, gains are low, and Jim Acosta is taken seriously as a journalist.” _ OregonMuse @ Ace of Spades HQ

3 thoughts on ““Trifecta of Suck”

  1. Let’s just get past this – did Trump ask Zelinski to investigate Biden (of course) but I don’t get it. If I were to ask a PI to investigate someone I’d expect to pay them, but not pay them until I was sure they were doing to job (obviously). Big fricking deal… the Dems can’t get over the fact Biden broke the law and are trying to make it look like Trump did… damn stupid. The fact that Trump wanted them to announce it doesn’t make a difference, Biden wasn’t going to win anyway.

    1. Furthermore, if you tell me I committed a crime it’s not up to me to prove it for you. I don’t have to give you evidence, you have to have that yourself. If you can’t prove I committed a crime with the evidence you have that’s not my problem, that’s yours.

  2. I think it would have been a hoot for Mitch McConnell to walk over to Adam Schiff after he did his best to outline the charges on Trump and just pat him on the head and say:

    “It’s ok Adam, you can go back home now!”

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