Time To Get The Hell Out

Time To Get The Hell Out

I think it’s past time to get the hell out of these mid-eastern conflicts. With the attack on the American Embassy in Iraq it’s obvious the people of that war torn country could give a rats ass about what America is trying to do there…..and to be honest neither do I.

We have been in these desert shit holes for way to long without and end game, as the Afghanistan papers admitted, this has been a losing proposition from the get go. Just because war hawks think we should rebuild these countries I think it would be prescient to at least claim a victory first.  If it can’t be won and we can’t win hearts and minds then it’s a terrible waste.

They don’t want us there, our troops sure don’t want to be there, a majority of the American people don’t want our troops there, so why in in the hell are we still there? Is it just a bunch of pentagon bureaucrats and military pen pushers making these decisions? Is there a deeper and more sinister (profitable) reason? I don’t know.

Trying to turn these places into democracies won’t work, they have been fighting with each other for over 1000 years, same sand, same reason, and there is nothing the United States can do to change their minds, we’re just scapegoats for whatever perceived injustice they can come up with.  There was no Arab Spring, that was Obama and Clinton’s reason to get rid of Gaddafi and opening up the spigot of refugees to Europe. 

Let these countries fight their own battles, we have enough issues of our own. Oil doesn’t rule the day like it did for the last 50 years because of own energy production. If we don’t need to serve our interests protecting mid-eastern oil, what are our national interests there?

Let Erdogon, MBS, Assad, Iran, Iraq, and all the others knock themselves out, I won’t miss watching a PGA player in Dubai and I certainly won’t miss the news of another American being killed protecting someone else’s dirt. If Russia want’s to be the new sheriff in town, go right ahead, let them spend blood and treasure in these hell holes, lord knows we spent our fair share.

If the military complex and intelligence communities, (intelligent?), think “if we don’t fight them over there we will be fighting them here” so be it. Do your fucking jobs and track the bastards down, and if you can’t do that, shut off flow of visa’s/refugees from all mid-eastern countries….yeah that ought to do it. And while your at it start profiling sketchy looking Europeans, especially the first and second generation imports.

That is all.


13 thoughts on “Time To Get The Hell Out

  1. Yes, we need to get our troops out of there. Send a few to Israel for a vacation and bring the rest home.

    On the way out destroy every single thing we have built for these ungrateful camelfuckers.

    Death to America? Ok, stone age time for you mohammad (may piss be upon him).

  2. If you’re lookin for an argument, you’re gonna hafta change the subject.

    For the past 30 years our policy on the Middle East and terrorism in general has been spectacularly naïve and obscenely expensive in terms of good young men and gigabucks.

    For what we’ve spent over there on foreign aid alone, military assistance notwithstanding, we coulda built a mortgage-free home for every homeless person in the goddam nation, AND a nice wall on the southern border.

    George was spot on with his advice to avoid furrin entanglements.

  3. It’s worse than that… If it wasn’t for all that’s been wasted on every Godforsaken foreign entanglement and short-sighted social program throughout the past century, every (working) American would be living like a king.

    Instead, we are robbed (taxed) of more than half of our income every year and told that if we don’t like it, everything will be taken from us and we will be sent to prison.

    At this point, most of us are little more than slaves.

    Remember back in the 1970s when we were told that thanks to modern technology and increased efficiency and production that we’d all be working 30 or fewer hours per week? Hah!

    Pretty much everyone I know works all the time and STILL worries about money.

    It has become a game with a thousand crazy moves, rigged by the powerfully elite, that the average American simply can’t win. Those at the top skim off all that extra money that working people make and keep it for themselves.

    Fortunately, people are waking up in droves and I have hope that things will change drastically in the next few years.

  4. send them plane loads of small arms and shovels let them kill each other then whos left can cleanup the mess,our help is not wanted.When they come here we the people will take care of it and if a few of the corperate raiders,goverment class,and leftes get in with them to bad.Time is up you take care of it come here,you will behave or….

  5. Stay the hell out of shiteholes until the shiteholeistanis hurt our people or injure our property or interests, then run a punitive expedition and kill as many of their elites as possible while smashing large parts of their country.

    Gunboat diplomacy was used for a long time because it worked.

  6. It’s our embassy. We need to fly an AC-130 Spectre or two over it and gun everything down that’s moving within 3 blocks. Everything. Man, woman, child, cat, dog, bird. Kill everything. And everyone.

    Give it a year. Repeat as often as needed.

    We need to do to these aholes what we did to the Boxers in China.

    And the world needs to remember that to touch a US Embassy is touching the USA. Touch any of our territories or protectorates or consulates or embassies or diplomats or servicemembers or their families or any US Citizen not committing crimes against the USA and pull back a hand. Rest of the body – gone.

    And any country that doesn’t immediately rush to protect our embassies, consulates, people on their soil? Fruck them. Aid? You want aid? You want trade? You want help? F-U. With JDAMS and Spectres and God’s Lightbulb if necessary.

    We should be, as the USA, the Best Friend Ever. And the Worst Enemy Ever.

  7. The American people don’t care. It’s not their kids. It’s some volunteers from somewhere. Down south maybe.

    And the Deep State/Cabal learns nothing. 750 troops from the 82nd AB are on their way today, with possibly as many as 4,000 going. That’s in addition to the 100 Marines sent yesterday.

    We can sustain present casualties and costs indefinitely. There aren’t enough casualties to cause outrage. They’re all deplorables, anyway. The costs are built into the budget.

    We’ve already been in Somalia for 27 years. There are still 600 SOCOM troops scattered around the country fighting various jihadis, and making no progress.

    Our adventures in Central Asia, the Middle East, Africa, the Balkans, Ukraine will continue until and unless there is a draft. When and if college kids get sent to those rat holes against their will, then things will change.

  8. Over all census is leave which is correct. Stop all types of monies, food, medication etc. These people do not want or need America’s help any longer so lets appease their request but first let them know that America will not tolerate their actions. Destroy every American base inside of the country, leave nothing behind for them to use, stop all military sales of guns, planes etc. Always keep in mind while we Americans worry about collateral damage these people do not so do not play sympathy with them shoot them all. Just like in Vietnam children cannot be trusted or be innocent as they are taught to kill Americans. Save the dogs, they are innocent and tortured by these people.

  9. Amen.

    One of the main reasons I voted for Trump was his promise to GTFO of these shit holes.

    I know he’s up against a real horror show but he’s gotta know that he’d have just about 100% of his base on his 6.

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