Teach Your Children Well

Teach Your Children Well

Apparently the image I provided of Hillary Von Pantsuit’s quote about kiddos was a fake….my bad to all offended. Personally she offended me by leaving the Benghazi 4, lying about her server, cheating in her primary, and her overall persona, but ya’ know…sorry about the false quote.

5 thoughts on “Teach Your Children Well

  1. Cool but it’s fake. Weird that James Woods wouldn’t have checked it out first though, so maybe that’s not true either.

  2. Surprised you would print this as this is fake. We have enough stuff to prove the left is evil, don’t need to make up stuff at all.

  3. Yeah, well, misquoting Hillary is FAR worse than leaving a string of 64 dead bodies in the wake of your business/political career.

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