2 thoughts on “Stark Difference

  1. It really was a fookin’ 8 year nightmare that these scumbags had every intention of continuing.

    I see the greasespot has cautioned fellow REgressives to keep it on the down low. What a cunt. He tells his sycophants to bring a gun to a knife fight(figuratively) & get in their faces and when they do before the stage is fully set, he warns them to ease up.

    Could not stand seeing his smilin’ BS face. Sickening. If you ever had any doubts about the magnitude of his pussiness(and if you did, you’re most definitely NOT in my AO), the video of this preening cocksucker taking selfies in front of a mirror should make any man, even one with squirrel balls, throw up.

    Can you ever imagine plugging DJT into that? Not in a million years.

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