4 thoughts on “Culture Shock

  1. Not sure what homelessness has to do with not letting people into the country. According to EVERY cardboard sign every homeless person I see is a Vet… and to be honest they look like it. While I do think people need to come to this country legally I don’t think homelessness has much to do with immigration. I did volunteer at a homeless shelter last year, just a “make them dinner” thing, maybe 100 people, not a single one was from another country. It might be different in the south? In the midwest they’re all from here… sorry… can’t agree with this tweet (or whatever it is.)

  2. have read articles about life in japan too. its amazing. in Tokyo they actually have a building that will collect and store lost umbrellas that other will turn in because someone left them behind.
    unfortunately the problem isn’t even immigrants. the cities and states letting drugs, needles and homeless crap in the streets aren’t doing that to help out immigrants; they doing that because they’re deranged. those people allowing it would let people do that in their house or yard but its fine everywhere else.
    micheal savage is right, liberalism is a mental disorder

    1. I don’t think homelessness is a liberal or conservative issue, it’s an economic one. I think 5 years from now inflation is going to create a lot more homelessness. When too few people have all the money the rest of us in the bottom 90% will fight for scraps and point the finger at each other (whatever we’re not, liberal/conservative, immigrant/non-immigrant, white/black) rather than truly identifying who’s at fault, they’ll be looking down on us laughing in their government protected homes in the Hamptons.

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