A Note For The Spineless NBA

A Note For The Spineless NBA

The billions of dollars at stake seem to be enough for Adam Silver to bow to a communist country. China has cancelled events, taken down advertisements, and basically bitch slapped the NBA because they got their feelings hurt by a fucking tweet, a tweet in support of freedom for the Hong Kong protesters by an American.

If the NBA had any spine whatsoever they would pull every NBA player out of the country, cancel EVERYTHING China related, and pressure shoe/apparel companies to move their manufacturing to another country or back to the States.

The NBA is chalk full of billionaire owners who, with one act of solidarity, could send a message to China that America will not be pressured by any country  to curtail any Americans rights to free speech, regardless of the financial consequences. 

Unfortunately that will never happen, money is more important than backing an Americans right to free speech, and that right there is the core of everything that is wrong with this country. (see Washington DC)

6 thoughts on “A Note For The Spineless NBA

  1. You know, it’s like people can’t or won’t read history books, as according to most people, Communist China has never done this before…

    Oh well, the NBA has a small window of time to fix this, and it looks like they’re not going to even try.

    Squeaky-Shoe People are dead to me.

    1. I woulda have thought “King” Lebron might show he had a pair, but seems he bent over and spread them just like the rest of the league.
      will be interesting to see how much nba attendance starts dropping. with this and the nfl kneelers, the NHL has a chance to become relevant again.

  2. very pathetic, our local nba team the rockets started it all; yet despite being in the nation’s leading state for current independent thoughts and actions; the rockets quickly tucked their man parts under.
    this is just another reason why I won’t spend a dollar on pro sports. oh. i’ll watch them and I may even go see a game at the legendary dodger stadium just because its dodger stadium; but I do not intentionally support a group of spineless millionaires and billionaires who really just want more money; principles be damned(shoot out to the silent but ordinarily talkative coach kerr and LeBron james)
    (btw, i’m planning to protest the first rockets game with a free hong kong sign outside, hopefully there are a lot of other real Texans that will do the same there)

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