10 thoughts on “Hard times create strong men, Strong men create good times,

  1. As a Vietnam vet I’ve been saying the same thing since 9/11. We can beat the Mohammadans but we have to start wiping out their cities and their population and STOP allowing them into the US and never, ever let them in Congress. That’s like putting Nazi’s in the Senate in 1942. It’s crazy!

    1. Thank you for your service, Rev. And you are totally on the mark, as is this post. Sadly, it will take that level of both commitment and violence on our part, and ignoring our critics, to defeat this type of threat.
      There is little chance that it will happen, due to both the weakness of the left, AND of the right.
      And we are much the weaker nation for it. Our president is trying to change it, but he is opposed on nearly all sides.

  2. We beat the Japanese because their “god”….the emperor told them to surrender. If he had not told Japan to surrender they would NOT have surrendered and we would have been forced to invade and kill MILLIONS of them the hard way.
    There will be NO MESSAGE FROM ALLAH telling the camelfuckers to quit. So to beat them we MUST totally eradicate islam from the planet.

    1. I concur A total eradication of the POLITICAL SYSTEM called Islam is the only way to stop them. leave NO survivors.

  3. Here’s the real conflict: Collateral Damage and separation of “radical” and the masses. If we are going to protect our nation from the Islamic plague then we must start with the basic which is change the status of Islam, it is not a religion, it is not a race: what it is a theocracy, a self governing force with its own laws that applies only to Muslims. Remove and destroy all mosques within USA borders, remove all Muslims back to home nation from where they came and their children and offspring as well, as for American Muslims there is no issue with removing them as well, why…. Islam demands all Muslims live under sharia law and serve only sharia Islam also states a Muslim cannot serve a foreign government therefore a Muslim must forgo the Constitution and live within the bounds of sharia. Now collateral damage: Islam rejoices on the amount of collateral damage done in their attacks on non Muslims, it also respects when countered with equal or more force as history has shown so in taking history into account collateral damage be put on the wayside, plagues need to be destroyed and eradicated. Reality: Islam is the center of all violence in the world yet Islam is making great strides in the destruction of nations all because the liberals make a stand for it and use intimidation to keep it that way: Islam is not the victim: we are.

  4. I heard it once as …. kill enough of them and the fight will be over. I personally am ok with “all “, but whatever it takes.

  5. Kill every one of them or be killed

    These war mongers are nothing but primitive thinking murders take into consideration the worst criminals in his great Country, the USA, has known, it package them together and you have a Typical Muslim community

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