Talk About Privilege

Talk About Privilege

Jussie Smollett will not be prosecuted for allegedly faking a racial attack, because all charges have been dropped!!!

Let’s review:

A gay black actor who lied about being assaulted, sprayed with bleach, and a rope tied around his neck by two white men wearing MAGA hats has just been given a get out of jail free card. He refuses to give up his phone, his friends are on camera buying the exact items he claimed the two men wore, his friends admitted to the entire hoax, and they have a check that he paid the friends to fake the assault.

He has been sentenced to community service and did not have to admit guilt.

Now imagine he was straight white man that lied about a racial assault by two black men.

11 thoughts on “Talk About Privilege

  1. The DA…a black woman….received a phone call from a member of Mooch The Wookie’s staff. I think most of us can do the math on this one.

  2. I have to admit that this one gobsmacked me. Fuckers didn’t even bother to defend this bullshit and kept his measly bail money to boot. Unreal

  3. There is clearly a two tier justice system in the USA and most of us are not part of it, we don’t have the pull. Its been in place for decades and I do not see any change without a change of government from from high to low. That will not happen in peace and come at cost, God help us.

  4. This goes way up the ladder. The Demorat party isn’t about to let a gay, black person be prosecuted for a fake hate crime. It would show the world just what victim hood is all about. They weren’t about top let the case go to trial. It would expose too much corruption. Now he gets to deny everything and still say it happened. Some racist homophobe attacked him. Fits in with their victim hood status. They can proudly keep telling the CPD to shut up do their job and find the correct attackers now. Sound familiar?

  5. It gets worse:
    Kim Foxx’s office didn’t merely drop all the charges against Smollett, not long after Foxx began playing “Obama Celebrity Friends” with former first lady Michelle Obama’s onetime chief of staff. Foxx’s office dropped the charges, yes. But also as part of the deal, he will be wiped clean. His lawyers want his record expunged. That could happen as soon as today. The stain of the 16 counts in the indictment will be scrubbed right off him. You might say Foxx is bathing him in the waters of the Chicago Way, cleansing him, and making a new man out of him. And now he’s smirking at the city, the mayor, the cops, everyone.


  6. And the hits continue to roll in. I read in yesterday’s news that the parents of that California 17 year girl murdered by the illegal alien were denied justice yet again. Case dismissed.

    Today I read of the guy who ran over the girl while attempting to escape a crowd was sentenced to life in prison but escaped the death penalty.

    In both cases, a girl was killed and parents lost a child. Both with very different outcomes. Justice sure is a fickle bitch !

  7. In order to get this guy off, it took the expenditure of considerable amount of political clout. It took someone at an extremely high level on the food chain. To wipe the slate clean on his suggest that our little man had something very big on the guy that did this (think blackmail). So, who would need to cover this up and who could be damaged, I am betting on Obama. We have suspected that Obama leaned the other way and I would vote that our little man called his lover and pulled the string.

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