When Your Side Loses And You Want To Change Teams

When Your Side Loses And You Want To Change Teams

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

Sorry you treacherous bitch, you don’t get to come back to America when your side lost and now you want switch sides.

Best thing I’ve heard all day.

Hoda Muthana even posted terrorist tweets urging Americans to “spill the blood” of Americans online. Her first husband died after three months of marriage in fighting. She was married two other times since then and gave birth to an ISIS baby boy who is now 18 months old.   here…..

5 thoughts on “When Your Side Loses And You Want To Change Teams

  1. Maybe let the child in. He can’t be responsible for the stupidity of his mother. Growing up in a refugee camp is not nice but the mom can rot there for all I care.

    1. Flush out your headgear KHS71,

      The little lump of ISIS turd must be kept O-U-T! If allowed in by the time the brat is 6 years old it’ll be doing its Jihadi thing here. Actually, It’d be better is momma and progeny of Muhammad be “disappeared” entirely.

  2. I notice a report that she “escaped” from isis. She was actually captured by the Kurds who were fighting isis.
    She and her children need to stay with the Kurds. Allowing her to return to the USA would be a mistake on many levels. It would also set a very bad example for other airheads who may follow her lead.
    No consequences for their actions is what a lot of her generation grew up with. We should not encourage this behavior.
    Paul in Texas

  3. Treason should be known for the penalty if caught or left the nation to fight against our nation: immediate execution, perhaps that will deter people who hate America to work against us.

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