10 thoughts on “Reality On The Ground

  1. I spent 20 years dealing with Navy politics and the last thing you need is politicians showing up to get their picture taken and supposedly bringing hope from the holyland bragging about what they are going to do for us. This usually meant just the opposite. All we ever wanted from them was support and deliver what they promised us.

  2. President Trump was spot on, Pelosi and others cannot waste taxpayer money with these trips. they are nothing more than to shop, eat great food and what spend less than an hour for a photo shoot,especially when federal employees are not getting paid….does anyone remember when Pelosi went into the middle east without permission from President Bush? Was she trying the same move with Trump?

  3. Who the fuck does this Cee You Next Tuesday think she is? She’s some rich “speaker” that has more money beyond what most of us can’t even fathom and she wants to ride an Air Force aircraft? Charter a fucking jet if you think you’re so important!

    I remember when she made her demands years ago about being the third in line and blah, blah, blah. The President should cut her off from access to any military aircraft unless it’s a national emergency.

    She thinks she’s fucking royalty. I think she needs a reminder that she’s not, she’s an ELECTED representative NOT A FUCKING LEADER!

  4. Horseshit Lindsey. She might spend an hour or two with our commanders and then the rest of the time will be spent with her entourage of 90+! as they Michelle Obama their way through high dollar, European spas and restaurants.

    She is sickening as are the left dominated media.

  5. I’d done with the whole border issue. if it is indeed a crisis, and it is; one American citizen murdered by an illegal is too much when you can reduce the problem by closing the “crisis” points at the border; then to not have those points manned by enough manpower tomorrow to eliminate all crossings is wrong and trump is wrong for not having done that already.
    sure, they take him to the supreme court. take it there and have those judges rule right there on if the American citizen’s life is more important than non-citizens. either we do live in a soveirgn country today or do not.

  6. Here’s a little supporting info from my comment above about that bitch from San Fran. The article jogged my memory about the fucking vineyard they own, oh and her husband is a rich asshole too with ties to Star Kist (not that there’s anything wrong with being rich). They also made a shit-ton of money doing insider stock deals that exempt congress from prosecution of laws we would be subject to since they have “oversight”.

  7. Did some work with the Department of State many moons ago. Helped train General Services Officers (GSO)_, the folks who run the operation of the physical plant of an embassy or consulate. Heard loooots of stories. After a Presidential visit, Everyone from the Ambassador on down hate visits from Congressional Delegations (CODEL). They do nothing but glad hand, get photos of themselves, and shop shop shop. When they are not skirt chasing. At least a Presidential visit usually leads to meetings with local pols and officials and maybe some quiet diplomacy. Not CODELs or anyone on them.

  8. And how about we taxpayers footing the bill for Trump’s recent visit to a war zone.
    If he wants to fund the wall, rescind the tax breaks he gave to the wealthy and corporations. But that’s still not the same as Mexico footing the bill.

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