2 thoughts on “The Grand Scheme

  1. Asslick Occasional-Cotex may not know it but capitalism or as it has been known since Babylon, has existed forever. It’s communism that was the brain child of the Austrian School and their inbred fools like Stalin and Mao that’s new on the agenda. To the best of my knowledge hundreds of millions of people have never been slaughtered in the name of Free Trade.

  2. The Rev. Hoagie is correct, I believe.
    And the elite ruling class, the establishment, will skate away free of any punishment from their manipulations and criminal actions. They will retire rich beyond our wildest dreams, not a care in the world, their every whim catered to and not a scratch on their dainty heads to show for it.
    Piss on the lot of them, and on the fools that allow it.

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