6 thoughts on “Toxic Media

  1. The ‘media’ know well that the average person is an f***ing idiot with the attention span less than a goldfish, so they can completely contradict themselves… and it is fully believed.

  2. The flaming power of stupidity: drought, over grown plants that die due to no water or overgrowth, don’t clear the land of such plants, trees etc: the perfect setting for an inferno to happen and it did wiping out homes, animals, people all because liberal’s had stopped the forestry from doing their job and likely fined people for clearing their own land. Nothing like this happens on land owned by individuals because they clear out dead trees, under growth and such something liberals won’t mention but will be happy to make the people pay for their insane logic.

  3. Years ago the logging companies worked to clear the forests with the state. It was a win-win the state got tax money and the forest cleared of dead wood. Then the tree huggers had to save everything and worked the politicians into what they are today. Now the forests are a mess, dying in mass burning if there is a spark, killing great amounts of animals, killing people, destroying lives, and doing what the present Democrats want move the rural people into cities.

  4. American Journalist schools are in fact covert Communist indoctrination camps for mush-brain 18 year old brats. Us beyond Millennials have suspected it for years but did nothing about it. Our bad, and now it’s too late.

  5. I get The NYT Morning Daily-Saturday’s edition includes a round up of the top stories of the week.

    Well there sure was a lot of Trump hate, in fact almost wall to wall but cut my legs off and call me Shorty, nary a mention of the raid on the Clinton whistle blower’s home to seize documents he had already VOLUNTARILY given to the DOJ.

    So a little memory holing by the Times aka as Winston Smith shouldn’t surprise anyone, should it?

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