Below Zero ***Updated

Below Zero ***Updated

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you. _ Pericles

I’m having a hell of a time keeping this thought in mind. The last two years have been a spiderweb of back handed political tactics that have rendered what trust I had left government too below zero. I want to walk away…not from a political party….but from all politics across the board.

I was at DEF-CON 2 over the Obama’s final term and through the 2016 elections, that dropped to DEF-CON 5 after Trump was elected. I have been pleasantly surprised with Trumps successes and bummed out on his failures. Healthcare and immigration being tops on the list of failures, not necessarily Trumps fault but would McCain have nuked healthcare reform if Trump wouldn’t have called him a loser for becoming a POW? I guess we’ll never know. Why don’t we have a big assed wall being built on the southern border while we had the majority? #Nevertrumpers played a hand in it but I still see immigration as a major issue and things won’t get better once the Dems claim the House.

I can live with the mid-term results as of Tuesday night, not the results a week later. How does a Marxist win in Arizona? How does Florida allow the shenanigans going on in Broward and Miami-Dade? Georgia? California? The browning of America is having an enormous impact on our elections. Arizona was a reliable Red state, it’s now solidly purple, as is Nevada and Colorado, which has all taken place over the last twenty years.

So what has changed over the last two decades? Do you really think transplanted liberals from California changed the  political dynamics in these western states, it may have changed a few thousand votes but not hundreds of thousands. Nope, this is all about immigration legal and illegal. Do you really think Minnesota would elect a female Muslim who married her brother to gain citizenship to Congress without changing the states ethnics through immigration? I’m sorry that just doesn’t happen without the help of politicians willing to change the population with the expressed purpose of gaining power.

This is the Democratic plan, bring in hordes of immigrants from shit hole countries under the guise of asylum, chain migration, or simply walking across the border, then hand them fake ID’s and let them vote. They’re willing to break laws from Hillary/DOJ/FBI on down to election officials in once solid red counties. They can’t do it legally, it has to be done behind closed doors or in some cases in front of cameras for the world to see, just ask Florida and Brenda Snipes.

I’m really trying to keep up the faith but when elections can be stolen right in front of our eyes and our officials do nothing to stop it then what good does it do to vote? If these people are successful stealing elections now do you really think they’re going to stop in 2020 or 2028? Donald Trump may very well be the last Republican President of the United States…….I hope I’m wrong…..DEF-CON 3 it is.

***Apparently my initial post had the military readiness backwards, my bad, looked at an incorrect site. Probably the wrong example of my anxiety levels anyway, but you get the point. Post Updated

DEFCON is the military readiness of the United States. It stands for DEFense readiness CONdition. The scale operates on a 1–5 numerical.

At DEFCON 5, the US forces are at the lowest state of readiness. This occurs when there is little Intel or evidence to suggest that the US or its allies are threatened. In other words, it means all is well on a general scale.

At DEFCON 4, the US forces are actively gathering Intel on global political events, and are on the lookout for suspicious activity. DEFCON 4 is simply above normal readiness, and has been reached many times. It is no cause for panic.

At DEFCON 3, the US armed forces are ready to deploy in 6 hours. The US begins exerting force and more actively hunts Intel and potential terrorists or insurgents. DEFCON 3 is unsettling, but is occasionally reached and subsequently lowered.

DEFCON 2 is the highest state of readiness the US has ever achieved. The USAF is prepared to deploy within 15 minutes. The first and only time we reached DEFCON 2 was during the Cuban Missile Crisis, when SAC was ordered to two. Hope to never see DEFCON 2.

DEFCON 1 has never been reached before, and it is good too. At DEFCON 1, nuclear war is imminent. American Nuclear weaponry is primed, and, well, you can do the math.

9 thoughts on “Below Zero ***Updated

  1. it’s going to be up to the blacks to save the country. either they understand that everyone pouring in from the south is going to effect them the most and they vote in block with the gop to reverse it or the are washed away as soon as the dems do not need them anymore
    I am not optimistic that happens and 2016 may have been the last republican white house. if florida was this close in 2018 with a corrupt socialist running, it may be gone in 2020

      1. No worries – definitely understood your point. I try not to be grammar/punctuation/ “actually…” Nazi but sometimes can’t resist!

  2. The genie’s out of the bottle, no matter what DEFCON level you want to use, and it’s not going back in. The battle was lost decades ago when the Communist anarchists took control of the majority of the American Universities. Under 50s now are almost guaranteed to be naïve Socialists and there’s no stopping it. Even elementary schools have stopped teaching fundamentals like: Math, Spelling and civics. Instead it’s all about turning 8 year olds into Social Justice warriors. Don’t even bother thinking it’s going to turn around. It’s too late. We Conservative white folks have lost. Eat, drink and be merry, because tomorrow we’ll either be in reeducation camps or dead.

  3. If you think the in your face voter fraud is outrageous this go around, you better be well…medicated in 2020 because there is NO way REgressives will allow President Trump to be reelected

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