South American Wave For The Mid Terms

South American Wave For The Mid Terms

They cant count on the “Blue Wave” so they have manufactured a brown one.

There is no crisis in Guatemala or Honduras (other than that both are chronically corrupt, third world shit-holes) that would suddenly cause a mass exodus not seen since… the last concocted mass exodus of women and children (disguised mostly as males between the ages of 12 and 49) a few years ago during the Obama years.
It is obvious that, along with that sham, this is a premeditated, well coordinated and orchestrated “crisis” intended to somehow shame the Trump administration and Republicans just before the Midterms, aside from overwhelming the system should a significant number if not all of these people make it onto US soil.

The Democrat-Left-Media complex is salivating at the notion of violence, rapes and death that they can capture on video (or stage for the cameras if nothing spontaneous happens [see West Bank and Gaza vs IDF]) to be used for political advantage. In theory, the site of this mass of humanity heading north is going to somehow miraculously reverse the Dems’ evaporating fortunes at the polls. In fact, if anything, it’s going to have just the opposite effect since this is the issue more than anything else that got Donald Trump elected in the first place.Keep Reading…..

One thought on “South American Wave For The Mid Terms

  1. Soros, Lib Democrats, Fake News turds and Silicon Valley CEOs are rubbing their grimy hands together right now and grinning ear-to-ear because they finally figured a way to strip Trump of his Deplorable supporters. Trump can’t do what I propose and kill ever last one of the INVADERS with wave after wave of B52s, A10s and tomahawk cruise missiles. So if he allows even a small dribble through Trump’s supporters are going to lose faith. Trouble is most Republicans want Trump gone just as bad as the Democrats, although they won’t admit it. Looks like the Deep State has the upper hand.

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