The Empty Promise Of Socialism

The Empty Promise Of Socialism

Andrés Manuel López Obrador

Overall, Obrador represents an ideological outlook almost identical to former U.S. Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders.  [coincidentally the same as former Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez].   Hollywood celebrities and avowed leftists will likely embrace Obrador in 2018/2019 as they did Chavez in 2009/2010.  Watch, you’ll see.

AMLO has a governing philosophy almost identical to Bernie Sanders; the problem AMLO faces is his Mexican economic policy starts without any underlying Mexican wealth to spread around.  [Again, the Venezuelan issue]  Socialism only works when you have other people’s money, labor, and property to distribute.  The majority of the value in Mexico is owned by outside multinational interests.  Those multinationals will now have to figure out how to deal with a nationalist who despises their ownership and control.

[Again, see big picture Venezuela]

Eventually, in order to make good on his promises, AMLO is going to need to *take* value from private ownership and redistribute that wealth to his constituents.  That process may take a few years, but it is inevitable.   In the history of the world, a socialist economy has never survived itself (without absolute economic capitulation of the citizens).

When that process happens, those entities who have their wealth expropriated will exit the economic system.  It has always been thus; there has never been a socialist economy where that did not happen.. and that process begins the Venezuelan spiral.

The most dangerous time for a rescue swimmer is the moment when he reaches the desperate and drowning man.  The MOST IMPORTANT aspect for President Trump, and for the survival of the United States, is to make sure the U.S. is not pulled under when Mexico begins to drown.

That, my friends, is why we need the Southern Border Wall.  [Regardless of cost.]    Keep reading….

2 thoughts on “The Empty Promise Of Socialism

  1. Perfect time to federally tax at 25% all cash transfers to Mexico. Roll the money into the wall, pay cash incentives for early completion. We can take the military out of Germany and start Desert Training along the border.

    And drop some serious Tariffs on manufactured stuff, especially anything mostly made in China.

    Companies will be leaving Juarez real darned quick and coming back to this side of the border, which is a good thing.

    Declare the whole country as a hazard by the State Department, right up there with Venezuela.

    Wait for an incident, push 20 miles in, run everyone out, flatten everything, declare it a No-Go zone. Enforced by said military.

    Tired of this carp. I have had enough of the US being used as a punching bag and cash cow by everyone.

  2. all these young sanders socialists supporters think the usa is going to have the nice and easy version of European socialism, but that is not what is coming. the usa has been allowing in the central and south americans who are used to an authoritarian socialism where the govt just takes from you and takes you out in the middle of the night if you cause too much trouble, idiots.

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