10 thoughts on “Poor Planning On Your Part…..

    1. Of course they did. You don’t think they’d toss big Democrat asshole contributors like George Clooney, Babs Streisand and Katie Perry under the bus like they did with Roseanne Barr, do you?

  1. Go look at your water meter, and tell me just how your water company can tell how much water you use per day, or even how many people are in the house. Our meter is only read every other month….

    I live in SoCal and since we don’t water our yard an hour a day we don’t consume close to the most restrictive new limit today…

    Getting people to stop having midwestern grass lawns in SoCal is overdue, we’ve never had enough water in LA, 13 inches per year is a damn DESERT.

    1. I live in the western part of North Carolina and my little single-wide mobile home has a Wi fi read meter that downloads the usage on a daily basis. That’s how.

  2. It is my understanding that this doesn’t go into effect until 2025. By then there will be smart water meters hooked up to the local utility, and you’ll be fined accordingly…the idiots in Sacramento will figure out how to do it unless the fine citizens of California wake the frack up…which I doubt they’ll do…

  3. Unless someone has identified the 10’s of millions of dollars to replace our mechanical meters in unpowered enclosures in the ground with some kind of smart meter I’m not too worried. It’s a great virtue signal but implementation will be a bitch. Maybe of they focus on the top 1% of excess users it will work but otherwise liberal BS out of Sacatomatoes..

  4. 55 gal/day = 3,300 gal in 60 days (our water billing cycle). That’s 4.4 units (100 cubic fee) of water PER PERSON in your household.

    4 years ago we were watering our lawn and could use 25 units in 2 months for 3 people. Now that we use laundry water we are down to 3 units/2 months for the same 3 people. Under the new limits we could use 13..

  5. why anyone that cannot leave California does not, I do not know; it is not a socialist state; when people and companies are reporting on your; that’s communism and that is California today.

  6. That just beats all!!

    Water Nazis……..turn your neighbor in…….

    Strict rationing……

    Sounds more like B=Venezuela than anywhere in the United States.

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