The Powers That Be

The Powers That Be

The only legitimate exercise of power in this country, according to
Democrats, is its own. Whenever Republicans exercise power, it’s
inherently illegitimate. The Democrats lost Congress. They lost the
White House. So what did they do? They began trying to run the country
through Federal judges and bureaucrats. Every time that a Federal
judge issues an order saying that the President of the United States
can’t scratch his own back without his say so, that’s the civil war.

If the Democrats are in the White House, then the president can do
anything. And I mean anything He can have his own amnesty for illegal
aliens. He can fine you for not having health insurance. His power is
unlimited. He’s a dictator.

But when Republicans get into the White House, suddenly the President
can’t do anything. He isn’t even allowed to undo the illegal alien
amnesty that his predecessor illegally invented. A Democrat in the
White House has “discretion” to completely decide every aspect of
immigration policy. A Republican doesn’t even have the “discretion” to reverse him. That’s how the game is played That’s how our country is run. Sad but true, although the left hasn’t yet won that particular fight.    here…

One thought on “The Powers That Be

  1. I was going to read the entire article, but I don’t need to be depressed for the weekend. Nothings going to change, except the country’s slow deliberate slide into Socialism because all “politicians” are nothing more than self-serving egomaniacs.

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