“Let Them Eat Cake”

“Let Them Eat Cake”

A quote attributed to Marie Antoinette, who allegedly spoke it in regard to her peasants having no bread to eat. Regardless of whether that actually happened, it is still the snobbiest way of saying “fuck them and what they want.”
Marie Antoinette: “Let them eat cake.”

Snooty French Guy: “They don’t have cake either.”

Marie Antoinette: “Did I fucking stutter?”


 What an absolute, unmitigated, disaster. Actually, it’s worse than that; it is an intentional boot in the groin to the American people who not only voted for the President but who have been voting for a political party to stop this since at least the 2010 election. Louisiana Senator Kennedy is dead right when he says that this bill is Congress urinating on the leg of the American people. And that is being extremely mild about it. It looks as if the President is going to sign this and then that will be that. There are those MAGA stalwarts who look on this bill as a betrayal of the President. Well, it is. But if he signs the bill then can these people be intellectually honest and still say the same thing? Ronald Reagan on several occasions told Congress to pound sand when they pulled stunts like this and whipped out his veto pen. And he didn’t have control of both houses of Congress either. Sure, even if the President did veto this bill, McTraitor and Ryno would still whip the votes to override him. But it’s the principle of the thing – the very reason that PDT ran in the first place which is to drain the swamp and secure the border with the wall. Signing this bill may very well signal the moment he pisses away his presidency. Well, at least Hillary Clinton will never be President of the United States of America. And, by the way, GO TO HELL, GOP.          Keep Reading…..



5 thoughts on ““Let Them Eat Cake”

  1. Keep calm and empty the magazine, Folks. The Trumpster’s no fool.

    The good news for today John Bolton is the new National security adviser.

  2. trump doesn’t actually care about the debt and he never did while in private business, so I am not surprised at the spending, but to take what you’re given on the wall funding and not cut a few departments he spefically mentioned without a fight is suprising.

    at best, he just got played and at worst; he’s not all he presented himself to be. if it’s the later, I will not be surprised as few actually live what the preach; but it’s sad.

  3. Naw – he said he loves spending caps, would balance the budget and all that BS… America got played. We play ourselves too, lately I’ve been looking at the amount of money that goes to social welfare compared to corporate welfare and tax breaks for said corporations… fucking hell… it’s not even close. I think we focus on the poor, maybe, because we don’t want to end up like that… they’re an easy target, etc. I know my motivation is not necessarily to become rich but rather to not be poor. Problem is far more of the middle class is becoming poorer than richer. I think it’s time we start to focus on the corporate tax breaks and subsidies – I get the argument that businesses supply jobs but seriously, if that idealism was beneficial the concentration of wealth wouldn’t be as out of wack on the top end… the rich get richer and everyone else gets poorer.

  4. Ah heck! We can just whip up a good ole fashioned war with Russia…..all’s good. War’s always good for the economy, relax.

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