4 thoughts on “One Down

    1. Ya gotta be as bad and as savage as the Democrats if you expect to defeat and destroy them. Hell, I say call in the Republican version of the Arkancide squad and terminate McCabe with extreme prejudice.

      1. There are enough laws already on the books to bury these traitors. I would prefer we stay within the law.

        Like gun laws, already enough on the books over illegal use of guns to send most people to the slammer for hundreds of years, but no-one uses them.

        Screw that. Ask yourself, who is more deadly? The barbarian or the civilized man?

        I postulate the civilized man is much more deadly and twisted. Judging from my sick research into ways of death, civilization has devised more and twisted ways to slab people than the barbarians.

  1. 2018 looks like more political fun than I would have imagined.

    the left did everything they could to bring trump down in 2017, you know they did; but could not get it done and imo, the masses have moved on and now believe all charges were smoke and mirrors.
    meanwhile, all new news is bad for the left and lifetime beaurocrats.

    I predict trump will get past meuller unscathed and will be feeling even more bold than he normally does.

    I do not know if he’s brave enough to take down the Clintons; that usually doesn’t end well for those who even think about it; but he just might; but getting out the truth about what POS’s Hillary and Obama were for the entire country to see so that it cannot be denied would be awesome.

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