1.8 Million?

1.8 Million?

Not sure what the hell is going on here.

There are 11 to 22 million illegal immigrants in country right now, with all of this amnesty talk, thousands more are on their way. If we’re going to “help” 1.8 million Dreamers, does that mean the other 20.2 million left will be deported? Of course not.

Once you set the precedent that one segment of illegals have a privileged status, the democrats will go back to the drawing board to claim another group of illegals must have the same rights as the Dreamers. It’s a vicious circle that won’t stop with granting Dreamers citizenship.

Two years from now Democrats will be threatening to shut down the government over Dreamers parents who are being torn away from their only children, the liberal media will show clips of families being split up playing on the emotions of the bleeding hearts and democrats will demand the parents get the same deal as their kids.

If the wall isn’t built and the border not secure then the process goes on indefinitely. 

Build the damn wall, stem the flood of illegals to a trickle, stop chain migration and the visa lottery system then you can make deals. Until all of this happens, and the wall is built, no deal.

Remember the Reagan amnesty, never trust a Democrat.

The Reagan amnesty of 2.7 million illegal immigrants was paired with the promise of controlling the border and penalizing employers who hire illegal immigrants. The legislation was better known as the Simpson-Mazzoli Act, named for its sponsors, Simpson and then-Rep. Romano Mazzoli, D-Ky.

The problem with the 1986 law was that the promised enforcement didn’t occur, but the amnesty did, Meese said.

DACA is a 2012 executive action by President Barack Obama that has shielded an estimated 800,000 illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children.

If Trump agrees to a deal that couples enforcement with legalization, Meese said, he ought to insist on demonstratable security upfront, rather than funding in future budgets. here…



3 thoughts on “1.8 Million?

  1. It’s not “what other country”. It’s what other “political party” would put illegal immigrants ahead of their citizens?

  2. Illegal Immigration to the U. S. is simply called migration in Western Europe.

    That aside, the real problem is over population world wide. There was a comfortable 2 billion people on earth when I was beginning college in 1960. Now, almost 60 years later it’s 7.3+ billion.

    Mother Nature is a non-discrimination equalizer.

    5.3 billion parasites must and will go and there isn’t one swinging dick out there among the humans who will be able to alter that.

    So, hang on it’s gonna be a wild ride.

    1. I note that there has been no discussion about the anchor baby problem. Do you suppose there’s a reason that’s being swept under the rug?

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