Back From The Brink

Back From The Brink

Made it back from the land of liberals. Pretty chilly for SoCal but I’m sure global warming will cure the chill.

A few thoughts on what I missed;

I golfed Saturday and Sunday, didn’t watch any playoff football, didn’t miss it. I Have zero interest in the Superbowl which is a change for me, I used to be an NFL nut.

I guess the government shutdown, I blinked and missed it.

Business’s are handing out bonuses like candy after tax bill, Pelosi say’s they’re crumbs. Apparently a thousand bucks is a crumb for Nancy….now you know why Trump won.

Thoughts on Commiefornia;

They party…..alot.

More Asians than Mexicans in the nicer area we were in.

Traffic blows goats.

There are no solar panels on any of the homes or businesses I saw. I guess maintaining the architectural look of homes is more important than global warming to the million dollar home owners. Hypocrite much?

Breakfast the morning we left.

Schooner-picIf you could get rid of the crazies and liberal politicians California would be a nice place.  Schooner-001

10 thoughts on “Back From The Brink

  1. Kali……geologically and climatologically spectacular. Politically and sociologically retarded beyond description. It was HEAVEN when I lived there in the 70’s and 80’s.

  2. My daughter and I drove the Pacific Highway from San Francisco to San Diego about 8 years ago. As Dan said the geography is pretty spectacular, but sociologically it bites. We did enjoy the Hurst Mansion. However when I asked the tour guide how Patti was doing the Millennials looked puzzled and the guide brushed my question off. How soon we forget history. Especially when we haven’t lived through it.

    1. Toejam – Yeah I would imagine asking about Patti was over most people heads even though they made movies/documentaries about her. The couple we stayed with were conservatives and they went on forever about how California is screwed. It’s so obvious that even the most hardcore liberals know, but they use taxes to hide everything. A little here a little there and before you know it your taxed on crossing the street. Insane.

  3. “They party…..alot.” Not those of us who have to get up at 4:00 A.M. 6 days a week to pay for the illegals on welfare.

    1. CA – It was crazy, it was Sunday night and you would think it was a Friday night, must be a bunch of hungover people at work. I know I couldn’t get away with it.

  4. The Asians are a hope. Smart, reasonably conservative and fun. Married one of them. Had the wedding at the Long Beach aquatic park. So far (4 months later) best decision I’ve made.

      1. Back in 1998, in the dark ages, Newsgroups were a popular way for people to argue online. I belonged to one of those groups named “”.
        It was a magical place this rsfc and college football fans loved to offer wisdom about their favorite teams there. Being a Tennesee fan, I was mildly irritated with the Satan Spawn who coached Florida and started a thread called “Steve Spurrier Blows Goats.
        It rapidly filled with replies about how we shouldn’t be spreading the rumor that Spurrier Blows Goats and actually was one of the top threads for that year.
        At one time the web version of rsfc used a logo that included a caricature of the Ol’ Ball Coach with a goat.
        I coined that phrase and you guys are welcome.

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