Warden Norton

Warden Norton

How the Clinton’s have stayed in the public arena is astounding, the amount of corruption from Whitewater, sexual assault, to stealing White House furnishings after the Clinton presidency these people have been a quagmire of grift and perversion. It’s obvious that they both lie, it’s just that Bill is much better at it than Hillary.

There’s a big difference between yoga emails and classified documents, there’s a big difference between “bimbo eruptions” and Monica, there’s a big difference between charitable contributions and pay to play money laundering, there’s a big difference between terrorists and a you-tube video, and in the Clinton’s minds, there’s a big difference between us and them.

The cognitive dissonance has just begun for all of them.  The proof is clear, they were all wrong.  Extraordinarily wrong.  The collusion and sell out was from the very people they put forth as heroes.  The Obama/Clinton Democratic Party has been caught with their hands in the cookie jar.  Thirty pieces of silver wasn’t enough.  It was millions of dollars and the opportunity to hold power in America that proved to be their downfall.  Colluding with the Russians was what they were willing to do in this power play.   here….

I’m hopeful harsh justice is served upon the Clinton’s along with Obama and his peeps. 

3 thoughts on “Warden Norton

  1. I find it difficult coming up with how the Clinton saga will end. I’d love to see them both go to jail and die there of the black clap, but that ain’t gonna happen. I figure they go into the “Dark State” hidey hole. Out of the public sphere but still conspiring to make millions plus along with their Liberal allies destroying the America 80% of its citizens love.

    1. Toejam – I’m afraid you are probably correct, if you arrest one of them then the precedent is set, the caged bird starts chirping and you will have to arrest all of them. Not a bad idea really.

  2. The reality is that those with the knowledge and evidence tend to get suicided.
    At the slightest hint of disclosure, suicide is enforced.

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