Across The Pond

Across The Pond

Every American woman I’ve known who has traveled in Europe has talked about how different attitudes are there. Especially in France and Italy, women report that the cat-calling is horrific. In fact, if you pay attention to complaints about cat-calling in America, you’ll notice that the problem has an ethnic aspect. When a video of a woman being harassed on the streets of New York went viral in 2014, nearly all the harassers were black or Latino. This resulted in a discussion among feminists of whether complaining about cat-calling is racist. This is how “intersectionality” works: Only white men are to blame for sexism — and only American white men, because every American liberal believes Europe is better than America.  Here…

4 thoughts on “Across The Pond

  1. It’s always a pleasure to see liberals back themselves into a corner when trying to determine which aggrieved group deserves more of our compassion, money, and legislation than the other. All we know for sure is that white straight Christian American men are the worst of humanity and DJT is the worst of all. It’s all so tiresome.

    As far as the catcalls, somewhere not so deep down, I think every woman wants to be the object of desire, whether it’s a head turn or a whistle, because, fair or not, we are judged based on our looks. No amount of feminist social engineering can change that fact of nature. (I’m not talking about being demeaned or abused in any way, but complimented)

  2. At 75 years of age I have trouble in public these days. Holding a door for a young woman, referring to her as “dear” or “young lady” gets me the “evil-eye” and an unfriendly grunt in many cases. Back in the 1950’s doing these same things would have been met with a twinkle of the lady’s eye, a smile and a “thank you” when required.

    I’m confused.

    1. Well, that would be confusing. Speaking only for myself, I am always grateful for a small kindness, especially from a gentleman. You can’t control other people’s behavior and reactions but being considerate and thoughtful is always the right and good thing to do. It’s sad if that has come into question.

  3. i’ll grant that cat calling has become more offensive as western society in general has gotten more offensive(I saw the double rods at many college football games yesterday something I would never have done) but cat calling is generally from guys that are harmless and currently working.

    the guys women should be more horrified by are the illegal alien and immigrants that are looking to have themselves some of the local white women that their govt is waving on in.

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