5 thoughts on “Oldy But Still Relevant

  1. I like to “you work for me” statement. Our many “blood sucking animals” have forgotten who they work for. I have yet to figure out why the government would care if I have a gun or not. I am a law abiding citizen that has never been arrested. In the State of Missouri we can open carry or conceal carry.

  2. “Why do they need a billion rounds? To kill you, you worthless peasant. Or, more accurately, you, your friends, your family, your neighbors, other insects who look like you, the other insects you went to school with, worked with, or even sat next to on an airplane once. You exist at our whim, and the sole reason we allow any of you insects to draw even a single breath is so that you can pay taxes and then fucking die. And no, we don’t work for you. We own you. The billion rounds are to remind you of that fact with the cold finality of death. Now get back to toiling, and be sure to grovel, lest you get to meet your share of those billion bullets in the very near future.”

    – Your Friendly Governmental Overlords

  3. God how I love it when someone actually has the nads
    to stand up to these clowns!!! Too bad it’s so few and far between. In real life an intense anal audit is in store for this poor man. It truly is not going to end well for many of us in the long run.

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