For What It’s Worth

For What It’s Worth

Charlottesville is in the review mirror, some families are in preparations for funerals, others are tending to wounds, others are throwing gas on a fire that has burnt itself out.

Charlottesville is what happens when you have a country divided along ideological lines. There is a right and a wrong. If you are not sure what the distinction is then you shouldn’t be there in the first place.

The left has shown their colors, we know what/who they are.

The Alt-right is being aligned with white supremacist by the media and liberal politicians which is not what/who we are.

The left and the media are leveraging the violence in Charlottesville for their benefit, it doesn’t help when our side is being broadcast on local and national news coverage with people waving Nazi flags.

As far as I am concerned the Alt-Right needs to stop doing rally’s. The Antifa thugs need an enemy, if the right isn’t there, they will attack whatever symbols of capitalism they can find, usually smashing business windows and burning flags. If that is all the media has to cover, then our side wins without throwing a punch. Be smarter than the useful idiots, let them hang themselves.

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” ― Sun TzuThe Art of War

7 thoughts on “For What It’s Worth

  1. Am I the only one having questions about possible connections between the police helicopter crash and all the camera drones documenting things?

    Not saying such happened, but there was plentiful supply of both recklessness and malice on the ground.

  2. I don’t think the crazy car killer guy in Virginia was trying to kill anybody I think he was trying to escape a mob that surrounded him and attacked his car.
    Here is a video where he pulls up to the crowd and stops, one of them hits the car with a bat and then the crowd converges on the car.

    A picture of the guy hitting the car with a bat.

    And here is a video of the mob attacking as he tries to escape.

  3. With all the exposure of the Fake News since the election, you’d think people would get smart. But from what I’m seeing on the streets, “the People” are as dumb ass-ed as they’ve always been…they drinking the koolaide and empowering the media, buying into the meme, this was a white supremacist function. There’s NO hope, Amerika is full of dunces! The Media reigns!

  4. ““The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.””

    All is well, then. Most of what passes for the Right in America has not-fighting down to an art form.

    1. Cube – Unfortunately you are correct. Winning a battle without violence should be everyone’s objective, not putting up a fight when you are being attacked is cowardly.

  5. Quote from the thread:

    “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

    Good and I respect Sun Tzu, but what this one-liner fails to mention is “subdue” actually means killing every single one of the mother fuckers.

    When you’re fighting cancer you don’t “subdue” the deadly cells. You must eradicate them all by every means available. So why should we adjust the lexicon to mollify the sensitivity of the emotionally driven public?

    1. ToeJam – Subdue does not mean that at all. Why mangle the language when you could just make your point? And, your point is fake. We are not going to go on a rampage and and kill every leftist in America. That’s not even a fun daydream.

      Jeffli is on the trail of an important idea here, though. If the Antifa doesn’t every win these confrontations, they are LOSERS, and they know it. And if the right(+ alt-right, etc) doesn’t LOSE fights, and visibly survives, they are winning. So SunTzu’s strategy is applicable. How do we continue the struggle without dramatic losses? How do we deny violent victories to the Antifa thugs? Several non-violent ways to out-smart them are possible.

      We can always pull out our trust six-shooters and fight back(and win!) when necessary. But it’s much more effective to follow Sun Tzu when we can.

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