Glass Houses

Glass Houses

I’m sick of the Dems saying Trump is inappropriate when:

•Ted Kennedy left a woman to die in a river.

•Bill Clinton had weird sex in the Oval Office with a barely legal intern.

•Obama ran guns to Mexican drug lords and gave billions to terrorist states.

•Biden makes creepy and sexist comments and publicly fondles women

•Hillary Clinton endangered Americans, released classified intel, wiped her illegal server and destroyed mobile devices, left 4 American heroes to die and lied about it being caused by some stupid BS video, sold nuclear material to our enemies, and took money from terrorist-producing countries.

•John Edwards was indicted for using campaign funds to hide his mistress.

•Rod Blagojevich is in prison for trying to sell Obama’s senate seat.

•Anthony Weiner…well, need I say more?

Yes, Democrat Party, please lecture us on what is “beneath” a political office. You have so much experience in that area.

Found here….

3 thoughts on “Glass Houses

  1. Their hypocrisy is boundless. I’m always mindful of what Rush says about the Left. Basically, if you want to know how the Left really thinks and behaves, just pay attention to what it accuses of the Right of doing and being. It’s disgusting, but it continues to keep them in business. For now.

  2. Have you ever looked at Scott Adams’ blog? It is self-serving for Scott but it is enjoyable because he allows both libtards and conservatives (anti-Trump vs. pro-Trump) to wail on each other. The lib posters will never forgive him for predicting Trump would win so they like to show how much smarter they are than him. I guess they are smarter because they KNEW the Hildebeest would win. Anyway, there is currently a thread he just started on Trump’s tweet and Morning Joe. Scott makes fun of the laughable nature of equating actual violence with calling someone a name or making fun of them. And apparently libtards have never understood that “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” because they have their panties in a wad that Trump is not presidential, crude, vulgar, etc. Your comparisons with the DemonicRats would be these losers to shame, if they had a sense of irony or shame.

  3. You ought to head over to NRO and tell Jonah Goldberg. He’s been running in circles waving his hands in the air for months over this kind of thing. It’s time he was set straight.

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