Custer Had Better Odds

Custer Had Better Odds

The circle continues ’round and ’round. Democrats and their propaganda media arm continue to attack conservatives and the values they stand for. It’s as if they can’t understand why the lost the house, senate, and white house in the last three election cycles regardless of their promise that they will make everything free of charge. Free health care, free college, free abortions, free, free, free. Thankfully the silent majority stood up and countered the socialist regime with the liberals worst case scenario, a billionaire with his own phone and pen willing to chip away at the progressives lefty Utopian goals. Still the left fights back.

The arsenal that liberals can deploy against the Trump administration is large. Watch any late night host and they dedicate their monologues to Trump bashing, listen to news updates on your local radio stations and information about Trump and his administration is presented as scandalous. College campuses across the country openly condone hate speech leveled at Trump, the indoctrinated snowflakes follow along because they don’t know any different, the loudest voices on campus are unattractive ill tempered feminists, affirmative action beneficiaries, and the useful idiots of the “Resist Whatever” movement.

If you have noticed the some of the commercials on TV you see the subliminal messaging of liberal ideology. Single parent, gay couples, and multiculturalism are advertisers preferred method of pitching their products. Toss in Hollywood celebs and musicians taking turns bashing Trump and you can see how the population is being inundated with the lefts dreamscape. Then you have the deep state Obama hold overs and Democrat politicians you can see the uphill battle Trump has to deal with. It would be the same thing with a President Cruz.

It’s no wonder Trump is having issues running the gauntlet of Washington, with so many people whose sole purpose is to disparage anything he does he must feel like Custer at the Little Big Horn, add in the GOPe and #nevertrumpers you would think Custer had better odds, at least he didn’t have to worry turncoats from his own ranks.

The entire political spectrum seems to be spinning just to spin. As long as they have their hands in our wallets and the money keeps flowing in why stop the merry go round. They’re fat and happy living in their mansions and gated communities all paid for by you the taxpayer. No worries about a bad economy, no worries about their healthcare, no worries about retirement, they’ve voted themselves Shangri-La, an earthly paradise, a mythical utopia – a permanently happy land, isolated from the outside world.

While they enjoy this world they have built for themselves I’m running on empty, squeezed for every dime they can get their hands on, stressed to the max about healthcare, retirement, and another downturn…all the things they have secured for themselves. Washington has built their paradise, it’s up to the peasants to keep their coffers full and not upset the balance of what they have constructed.

The good cop bad cop routine by the Republicans and Democrats is just smoke and mirrors to keep the masses from grabbing the pitchforks and torches and burning the whole thing down. Representative democracy is a fallacy, there isn’t even a word I can think of that describes what Washington has become, not a monarchy, not tyrannical, not a Banana Republic, you have to have all the players defined for those titles.

No, this self serving monstrosity built on so many levels of government bureaucracy is nothing more than Government Elitism, they know more than you, they dislike you, you are deplorable. They have come from their college campus to the government campus, they have traded the status of a degree for the status of power in government, it’s not a huge jump for the well connected.

The long time “public servants” whose wealth has grown exponentially despite their modest salary pull the levers of power that can start a new department and choose where taxpayer money is spent. They keep the shadow industry of lobbyist appeased for corporate interests or government contracts, all the while claiming to serve the people that elected them….it’s all horse shit….see TSA or DHS, they weren’t around twenty years ago and we don’t need them now. There are other ways to handle the terrorist threat. (Travel ban anyone? How ’bout some good old fashion profiling?)

The last time anything substantive has ever changed Washington was during Ronald Reagans administration and even at that it barely moved the needle in stopping the growth of government. Trump has an opportunity to put a dent in what Obama did to the country, even with the deck stacked against him, but I don’t see him being able to slow the growth of the behemoth. If Reagan couldn’t do it, I doubt much Trump can.quote-no-government-ever-voluntarily-reduces-itself-in-size-government-programs-once-launched-never-ronald-reagan-151770


3 thoughts on “Custer Had Better Odds

  1. Yes sir Jeffi a great one. Sadly, there will be no compromise or quarter given. It’s a fight for the country where Conservatives winning or total Socialism are the only 2 outcomes. Extra sadly, too many Rhinos are ready to surrender in order to preserve the Washington D.C. status (read lucrative for all politicians) quo.

  2. Agreed, good post. Was just reading how USDAs answer to the budget is to increase the size of the swamp. Here’s the USDA answer to things…..create more bureaucracy:

    “As you know, USDA announced a reorganization on May 11, 2017. In accordance with a directive in the 2014 Farm Bill, we created a new Under Secretary of Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs as part of a realignment of several mission areas. The reorganization also included a reconstituted mission area reporting to a newly-named Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation. The U.S. Forest Service, given its size and importance, will be the only agency to report to the Under Secretary for National Resources and Environment. For these three mission areas, we have named Acting Deputy Under Secretaries, who will serve in their roles until the Senate confirms permanent presidentially-nominated appointees.”

    GROAN. Term limits PLEASE on ALL Gov’t employees!

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