Worn The Hell Out

Worn The Hell Out

I was planning on a Rule 5 post today but after the terrorist attack in London, (again), it just didn’t feel appropriate.

The people in charge of Europe have been planning their down fall for years by importing low IQ savages, no job prospects, no housing, no possible way to add to society. The only thing they can do is fill welfare rolls and plan their next attack. For governments worried they are not producing enough children, allowing people into your country to kill your children seems, oh I don’t know,…..insane.

I don’t have time for this. Europe has made it’s own bed, my sympathy ends after listening to the Prime Minister and London Mayor after last nights attacks, this is apparently all going to plan.

So thank the spineless leadership in Europe for no Rule 5 tonight….they have worn me out.samantha-fox-136394381472903901-141114175536

6 thoughts on “Worn The Hell Out

  1. I don’t blame you, I feel you,

    Came home from work last night in a goof mood until I turned the TV on and saw the news from London, instantly depressing.

    What Europe and most likely the world hasn’t realized yet is for the rest of this century, Islamic terrorism will be part of their lives. Ironically, the safe places are mostly the former Soviet Union countries.

  2. I read the news yesterday just before going out for a family dinner and realized I don’t care about europe anymore. They refuse to stand up to the politicians who are bringing in the rapists and murderers.

  3. When the thousands of Muslims in NYC (and across the US) are activated and begin the killings here, I’ll feel the same way. I’ve run out of patience. Europe brought about its own demise and America watches and says, oh, yes, here too please. There will be concerts and pledges of tolerance and Welcome signs and parades for the barbarians. When half the country fears and hates its own president more than it does the evil of Islam, it is natural to feel worn out and disgusted by it all. I don’t think I can even be shocked by terrorism anymore. It’s all too predictable and formulaic as if all the players involved are reading from the same tired old script.

  4. Imagine when the “sleeper” Caliphate builders and the black Lives Matter crowd get together.

    Get and stay well armed my friends. It’s better to die fighting than on your knees begging.

    And as an added note let’s not forget the words of one of America’s foes,Vo Nguyen Giap. A foe who actually won a war with the U.S. (shame on us):

    “Do not fear the enemy, for they can take only your life. Fear the media far more, for they will destroy your honor.”

    He had the Liberal MSM pegged before most coexist snowflakes were glints in their daddy’s eyes!

  5. I check your site daily, cause it`s cool. Thank You for that. The bottom line is this “we are going to have to go to Moslem Central, and kill these goatfuckers, and go from there. Then, bring in the National Guard, and escort these Bastards the hell out of here. The ONLY political figure with this mindset, is TRUMP. There is no trouble here, YET, but everyone who knows Me is quite sure that I will not put up w/this garbage. You know the deal. I don`t own My .357 any more, because I was accused of a petty domestic offence. You know how that works.
    I swear to God, if I see a towel head offend someone in MY community, I will face more than a gun charge.

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