Same Old Story, Same Old Song and Dance

Same Old Story, Same Old Song and Dance

Liberals lose their collective minds over Trumps move out of the Paris Climate Treaty.

Please see below for the effects of the United States getting out of an idiotic wealth distribution scam:

Earth before the Paris Climate Agreement

Earth immediately after the US pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement

Earth 100 years after the US pulled out the Paris Climate Agreement (calculated estimate)

The liberal butthurt over this deal is delicious. They have no idea what it is but they love it because science.   here

2 thoughts on “Same Old Story, Same Old Song and Dance

  1. some facts to tell liberals and have them likely start cursing at you in denial:

    1. wind has a 20% effecincy vs. 85% in coal, gas and nuclear, this means wind loses 3/4 of the energy from the windmill to your outlet, the others lose 15%.
    2. to replace the 22% of natural gas that currently powers the usa, you’d have to use 300,000 windmills and that doesnt include the transmission lines
    3. the current cost to develop the transmission lines for 130 windmills in cape cod is 93 billion dollars, so wind would bankrupt the usa
    4.In 2009, the United States; in an effort to become a green nation installed a record 9,900 megawatts of wind power. This was enough to power 2.4 million homes, but at the same time; the wind industry cut 2,000 jobs. Record windmills put up and we lost green jobs, how can that be ?
    5. coal comes in around $23 to make a megawatt hour of electricity with the next best thing being gas at around $44 and those lovely renewables are barely in the same neighborhood with wind costing around $142 and solar costing around $396
    6. the U.S. has 27% of the world’s recoverable coal. if Germany had 27% of the world’s recoverable coal, it likely would not be in favor of the paris accord wanting to cut its coal production either.
    7. If the usa could use coal in theory for 100% of its energy needs because it has the coal to last 200 years it is estimated it would raise the global temperature by 0.1 degrees and cut energy costs by up to 75% as coal is 50% cheaper than the next source of energy by megawatt hour to produce, or it could bankrupt itself through wind and solar.

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