Societies Structural Breakdown

Societies Structural Breakdown

You can’t pick up an old (any) woman and body slam her. You can’t drag an old woman across the ground and throw her into a pool.

Societies moral compass just doesn’t allow for it…..oh wait…’s OK….their just misguided youth oppressed by the system.

I weep for this country.

They don’t want to be called thugs or worse yet their actions offer only one avenue of judgement.

4 thoughts on “Societies Structural Breakdown

  1. scenes like this, the city of Chicago, the MS13 gang, illegal immigrants being protected by our own govt officials and the continuing debasement of our currency.

    we are different from a third world country how ?

    and this is where we are today, imagine where we will be in 5, 10 and 20 years.

    Obama was right in one thing, the usa is not exceptional. we are following the same patterns as rome and England did and we will join them as former great empires.

  2. It’s nation wide. Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta and hundreds of other cities are sewers of 3rd world style culture. I agree America is doomed to slide into the black abyss. The scales have tipped from civility to violent action and predictably, the visually evidence is caught on videos and in photos.

    Here’s an example of the latest savage reaction to an uncomfortable occasion:

  3. Of course, it used to be that society itself would – and would rapidly – take care of problems like that if the police and powers that be didn’t act quickly enough. When society no longer cares to police itself, expect bad acts and bad actors to proliferate.

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