Ladies And Gentlemen…..The Pretenders

Ladies And Gentlemen…..The Pretenders

The GOP Establishment just emerged from a presidential primary in which Donald Trump bulldozed a huge field of top-shelf Republican contenders, in no small part because the public was furious with Republican inability to make progress on a conservative agenda despite holding both House and Senate. They seem to have learned nothing from the experience.    Here… and Here…

4 thoughts on “Ladies And Gentlemen…..The Pretenders

  1. about time Limbaugh got a clue. unless a lot of trumpers beat the gop out in the 2018 primaries, this country is done.

    its probably done anyways but miracles sometimes happen.

  2. I presume you voted for Trump as did I. Limbaugh is saying “Trump is not a politician” with either a Liberal or Conservative Mindset. He’s simply a businessman. He doesn’t see abortion, Islamic terrorism, illegal immigration, sanctuary cities and Health Care as ideological good or bad. He simply sees them as products to negotiate for and maybe massaged to make them more palatable to ALL Americans. We need to see President Trump through this spectrum. Like it or not that’s what Trump is. We’re his voters food or didn’t they comprehend the man’s mindset? Sadly, no matter who is president I see the future of America as a “European style Liberal Mecca”.

    1. Toejam – You are correct. I agree Trumps moves are dictated from his business acumen. I do not give congress the same pass, they campaigned and were elected using the same tone as Trump, had seven and three years respectively with a majority short the white house. Now they have a full majority yet they still bow to democrat threats…or they never intended to do what they campaigned on in the first place, I’m leaning toward the latter. Republicans should be able to bitch slap the democrats right now. I’m not asking for the world here, I’m just asking that somethings get done with conservative principles in mind. When Pelosi and Schumer approve of a CR agreement, then the CR is shit. I would much rather hear them screaming and yelling about how unfair the budget proposal is with no way for them to stop it. Instead we see their gloating mugs on the news smiling from a perceived victory.

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