Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

The bill does include $12.5 billion more for the military and $1.5 billion for border security, but the border security cannot be used for a wall.  Likely it will be used for technology, which will better allow the government to watch illegals crossing the border on TV.  The legislation also stipulates that none of the money be spent for a “deportation force” and that there be no cut in funding to sanctuary cities, at least while President Schumer is in the White House.

Amazing isn’t it, I could have sworn Republicans had the majority, obviously it was just a dream.

What does this spending bill tell us about politics?  If we want a government that doesn’t fund Planned Parenthood, we need to elect a Republican House of Representatives.  If we want a government that doesn’t fund Obamacare, we need a Republican Senate.  If we want a government to get serious about funding a border wall, we need a Republican president.  In the minority, Republicans are powerless to push any of their agenda, just as Democrats are powerless when they are in the minority.  That’s why we need to push hard to help Republicans win the House, Senate, and presidency in the next election so we can finally get real change in Washington.  Imagine what they could do if they won all three and had total control of government!    Here…..


4 thoughts on “Boulevard Of Broken Dreams

  1. I saw news reports of Schmucky Schumer from the weekend where he was saying “Trump can’t just say ‘It’s my way or the highway'”
    Funny, no one in the Lamestream Media decided to called him on the fact that’s EXACTLY what he’s been doing!
    One thing you can say about Democrats, they know HOW to wield power. We don’t call the Republicans the Stupid Party for nothing!

  2. Why can’t the money be used for the wall? Obama constantly reallocated federal funds for his pet projects.

  3. How is anyone surprised by this. The GOP had total control of the government for a time during the Dubya disaster and did sweet fuck-all except spend. Why would this time be any different?

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