Sick And Tired Of Being Sick And Tired Of Political Theater

Sick And Tired Of Being Sick And Tired Of Political Theater

Just damn near had it with Washington DC regardless of whose POTUS or who has the majority.

Obamacare, the Wall, Immigration, Sanctuary Cities, War Drums, blah, blah, blah, the list goes on. It’s a shit party.

The latest crap sandwich is this budget proposal. The Swamp Monsters are proving what we already knew, nothing can be done in DC that negatively effects a politicians re-election. All policy is dictated by whether one side or the other will be blamed for something and that “thing” will threaten their seat. Politicians of both parties know this and legislate accordingly. What a terrible way to run a country.

I was hoping Trump would have the balls to blow things up, force Republicans to to make decisions based on the needs of America and pass budgets and laws that would help Americans even if it had the potential to damage them politically.

Pass bold legislation and let time dictate whether it was a success or not. The Democrats had no problem backing Obamacare at the time it was passed and they lost the house, senate, and the White House, but they did it regardless of the political fallout, which was extensive. The difference being Obamacare wasn’t in the best interest of the country. If Republicans would pass popular laws and those laws became successful then re-election wouldn’t be a problem would it.

There’s the rub, Republicans don’t have the stones it takes to do the right thing, status quo works for them because they don’t have to be brave. It takes courage to put your political life at risk to pass something you believe in but if it’s good legislation there should be nothing to fear. Republicans are so afraid of Democrats and the liberal media blaming them for this or that they are paralyzed to act. Spineless governing.

I’m fucking sick of it, tired of negotiations, tired of investigations, tired of all the political theater. If Republicans fail to do what they said they were going to do during their campaigns when they hold all of the chips in Washington, then my give a shit will be bankrupt.

Somebody once said “Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you.” That’s all well and fine but if Republicans can’t get their shit together then I’m wasting my time writing and worrying about it.

This site may go full porn, at least you guys would get something useful out of it.Wall Grins 1

5 thoughts on “Sick And Tired Of Being Sick And Tired Of Political Theater

  1. “Spineless governing.”

    If the Republicans were simply spineless it would give me some hope of a fix. But they aren’t simply spineless. They’ve given every indication that they are all on board with the Democrats ‘voter replacement’ strategy.

  2. Agree with Guy. They are one party now. They keep the masses divided with garbage issues like abortion or gay marriage on the social front to get the bases riled up but the end game is the same

  3. “If Republicans fail to do what they said they were going to do during their campaigns when they hold all of the chips in Washington.”

    They pretty much had all of the chips for a while during Dubya’s presidency, and they didn’t do shit then, either.

  4. I love the rant, we are all sick of political BS from both sides. Full Porn is not necessary. Leave a little something to the imagination. POTUS IS A SH-T job, and anyone who believes they can change the minds of the other guy is kidding themselves. People have and work together every day with opposite opinions and manage to get along, way is it so hard for government to work together? Maybe its time to clean house in the Senate and House of Reps and start over, maybe bring in real people and not ego driven special interest groups. What ever the case, If you can’t be with the one you love , love the one your with. Thanks

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