Let The Experts Handle It

Let The Experts Handle It

I keep hearing stories that Ivanka’s bleeding heart swayed PDT and somehow motivated his actions, if that is true, Trump needs to get his house in order. 

The images after the chemical attack in Syria are terrible and should make anyone with a heart saddened and there should be a reaction, a well thought out and careful examination of the all the players involved and an adequate response as determined by the experts.

Ivanka, a billionaires daughter is not an expert, I would prefer she keeps her calls to daddy about issues she may have some experience, I doubt she has her thumb on the pulse of the civil war in Syria. Emotions need to stay out of policy, that’s what we have liberals for.



6 thoughts on “Let The Experts Handle It

  1. She is a lovely woman and a real “quality” human being, but I agree completely with you. Every time she gets involved, I cringe. I know she’s always been his closest confidante and adviser, but I think PDT is getting clearer on what he thinks needs to be done to right our ship. There is still Kushner, though.

      1. Obviously. My point being the experts usually don’t know their ass from a hot rock (google “experts surprised by”). I think you need to quit listening to “stories” that come from those who echoed the claim Behghazi was about a video, Kerry eliminated all WMDs from Syria and Putin hacked the election, and now claim to have insight into DJT’s decision making process.

  2. No “proof” it was even sarin (shades of 2013, and the Bushies WMD earlier).

    Certainly no proof it was Assad – and the Alawites, Shia, and Christians are saying something far different than our Pentagonadals and spooks! And if that is brought up, then it’s really those other ME baddies in Iran supporting the Shia’s and Assad. Christians know and trust Assad to protect them. They know what ISIS has done, and will do. And ISIS, backed by the blood-thirsty Wahabbi’s in the happy-camper land of Saudi Arabia, can count on the faith in the good ole dollar and supplies.

    And then comes Donald, against all his promises, taking a page out of McTraitor McCain’s songbook, with a minor tweek to the lyrics . . .

    Bomb, bomb, bomb Assad.

    Oh, I fergitted, it’s “War” – and we must trust our experts, who have been lying left and right to everyone in DC, suddenly are trustworthy on war, and we dutiful American get that glazed look in our eyes and climb aboard the War Train. Guess that explains the ecstatic response of the neo-cons.

    Don’t worry, be happy!

  3. Come on, now, Ivanka was just the excuse, not the reason, that Trump did the Syria bombing. It was a perfect way to strike fear into the hearts of both the Russians and the Chinese with one blow. Everybody else also sat up and took notice that Trump is ready to play hardball. The opportunity was just too perfect to pass up. Ka-BOOM!

    Trump is just marking the territory, letting all the bad guys know there’s a new Sheriff in town. This helps Tillerson in everything he’s trying to do world-wide.

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