Allegiance To An Ideology

Allegiance To An Ideology

“Democrats have become radicalized by the left. This doesn’t just mean that they pursue all sorts of bad policies. It means that their first and foremost allegiance is to an ideology, not the Constitution, not our country or our system of government. All of those are only to be used as vehicles for their ideology.

 That’s why compromise has become impossible.”    keep reading….

One thought on “Allegiance To An Ideology

  1. The term “loyal opposition” was coined because it gave the people of the party not in power to be shielded from accusations of treason. But, in today’s political turmoil, the “loyal opposition”, the Dumbocraps, are not the “loyal opposition”> They are, instead, the disloyal opposition They are disloyal to the United States, disloyal to The Constitution, disloyal to our Christian values, disloyal t anything and everything President Trump says, does, thinks, and anyhing else in between. Today’s Dumbocraps are loyal to only one two things: Sabotaging Trump at every turn and getting reelected.
    In the next election cycle, late next year, if anyone votes to reelect whichever Dumbocrap that is running to keep his or her cushy seat in Congress, then they truly deserve whatever shit the Dumbocraps dump on them. And, make no mistake, they will rain down a ehole trucklod of shit on the country. Count on it.

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