What The Hell Is Going On?

What The Hell Is Going On?

I don’t know why Trump would send out a tweet like that if he didn’t have some proof, and like clock work the Democrats are piling on.

If your going to call out a former POTUS for spying you better have a smoking gun, personally I’m getting tired of all of this shit. Both sides need to provide evidence or knock it off, we have bigger fish to fry other a spat between agencies or former administrations. If you got the proof, get it out there…if not….shut the fuck up.

“This is the difference between being correct and right. The president was not correct in saying President Obama ordered a tap on a server in Trump Tower. However, I think he’s right in that there was surveillance and that it was conducted at the behest of the attorney general – at the Justice Department through the FISA court.”

5 thoughts on “What The Hell Is Going On?

  1. Number 1: Trump is NOT stupid.

    Number 2: He’s playing cat and mouse with the Kenyan community organizer, aka: Commie.

    Number 3: All the Liberal Democrats got left is Bullying by street violence and manufactured innuendo.

    Number 4: I bet Trump has the “wire-tap” “trump card” up his sleeve and is waiting for the right moment to slam it on the table.

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