Doubling Down On The Same Sins

Doubling Down On The Same Sins

“There is no doubt it is best to have a fair and independent press, just as there is no doubt it is best to have a sober and kind mother.

But what if the press is unfair, biased, incompetent, and lies like an actual propaganda outfit?

Wouldn’t you prefer they recognized the problem and reformed themselves?

Similarly, yes, you’d like a sober and kind mother. But what if a mother is a chronic junkie and abusive to her children? Shouldn’t she de-toxify herself both chemically and psychologically?

And if you don’t insist on that — but just babble on about how important a mother is, no matter how unmotherly she may be — aren’t you just a damn enabler to evil?

A lot of “conservatives” — Crocservatives, let’s call them — seem to be defending the media while the media still refuses to admit it’s done a damn thing wrong, and in fact is just doubling down on all its sins.”    here….

Here’s a reminder of what and who these people are.

4 thoughts on “Doubling Down On The Same Sins

  1. As the sicilian said “That word I do not think it means what you think it means” conservative seems to only be a term to entice people to vote for certain candidates. Even when it was easy to see he individual using the term was quite the opposite. Seeing it used now leaves a bad taste in my mouth, I think from all the bs we are fed.

  2. View 5 minutes of spoiled brats with the emotional age of a 5 year old toss their toys out of the crib, scream and then old their breaths till they turn blue undergoing a hissy fit tantrum.

    Bring on a full blown invasion of America and let Mother Nature cull the herd of these less-than-useless idiots!

  3. The media is the biggest unchecked, unregulated source of power in the world. Speaking truth to it and about it is an obligation.

  4. It is truly amazing that there are people out there who actually give a goddam about anything Whoopie-shit Goldberg and No-Joy Behar have to say about anything.

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